═══ 1. Conventions Used in This Reference ═══ The following conventions are used:  Commands are presented in lowercase bold, but you can enter them in either uppercase or lowercase.  Subcommands are presented in lowercase, and you must enter them in lowercase.  File names are presented in uppercase, but you can enter them in either uppercase or lowercase.  Periods in numbers separate the whole and the decimal portions of the numerals.  Numbers over four digits appear in metric style. A space is used, rather than a comma, to separate groups of three digits. For example, the number sixteen thousand, one hundred forty-seven is written 16147. ═══ 2. How to Read a Syntax Diagram ═══ The syntax diagram shows you how to specify a command or subcommand so that the operating system can correctly interpret what is being typed. Read the syntax diagram from left to right and from top to bottom, following the horizontal line (the main path). Syntax diagrams use the following symbols: Symbol Description  Marks the beginning of the command or subcommand syntax  Marks the continuation of the command or subcommand | Marks the beginning and end of a fragment or part of the command or subcommand syntax  Marks the end of the command or subcommand syntax Required parameters are displayed on the main path. Optional parameters are displayed below the main path. Default parameters are displayed above the main path. Parameters are classified as keywords or variables. Keywords display in uppercase or lowercase, but you must type them as they are shown in the syntax diagram. A command or subcommand, for example, is a keyword. Conventions Used in this Reference contains the guidelines about entering TCP/IP commands and subcommands. Variables appear in lowercase letters, and represent names or values you supply. For example, a file name is a variable. In the following example, infile and outfile are variables. Replace them with the values that you want. ──os22unix── outfile─────────────────────────────── Include all punctuation such as colons, semicolons, commas, quotation marks, and minus signs shown in the diagram. Choose One Required Item from a Stack: A stack of parameters with a parameter on the main path means that you must choose one from the stack. ┌──────────────┐  │ ──snmp──┬─get──┬──host──community_name────mib_variable─┴────── └─next─┘ Choose One Optional Item from a Stack: A stack of parameters without a parameter on the main path means that you do not have to choose any from the stack; but if you do, you cannot choose more than one. ──ipgate──┬─on──┬──────────────────────────────────────── └─off─┘ Specify a Sequence More Than Once: An arrow above the main path that returns to a previous point means the sequence of items included by the arrow can be specified more than once. ┌───────────┐  │ ──mkfontdr────directory─┴───────────────────────────────────── ═══ 3. Service Information ═══ The IBM Support Center provides you with telephone assistance in problem diagnosis and resolution. You can call the IBM Support Center at any time; you will receive a return call within eight business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., local customer time). The number to call is 1-800-237-5511. Outside the United States or Puerto Rico, contact your local IBM representative or your authorized IBM supplier. ═══ 4. arp Command ═══ The arp command displays or modifies the address translation tables used by the address resolution protocol. ──arp──┬─hostname──────────────────────────────────────────┬── ├─ -a───────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ├─ -f───────────────────────────────────────────────┤ ├─ -d hostname──────────────────────────────────────┤ └─ -s hostname physical_address─┬──────┬──┬─────┬───┘ └─temp─┘ └─pub─┘ Displaying arp Help ──arp── -?──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ hostname ═══ Specifies the host name or the internet address of the remote host. ═══ -a ═══ Displays all current ARP entries. ═══ -f ═══ Deletes all entries in the ARP table. ═══ -d hostname ═══ Deletes an entry for the host hostname. ═══ -s hostname physical_address ═══ Creates an ARP entry for the host with the physical hardware address specified. ═══ temp ═══ Specifies that the ARP entry is temporary. If you do not specify this parameter, the entry is permanently added to the ARP table. ═══ pub ═══ Specifies that the entry name is published. The host will respond to ARP requests for the hostname even though it is not the original host name. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 5. bdftopcf Command ═══ The bdftopcf command converts Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) fonts to Portable Compiled Format (PCF) fonts. ──bdftopcf──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──────── └─ ─i─┘ └─ ─l─┘ └─ ─L─┘ └─ ─m─┘ └─ ─M─┘ ──┬─────────────────────┬──┬──────┬──┬─────┬──┬──────┬────────── └─ ─o output_filename─┘ └─ ─pn─┘ └─ ─t─┘ └─ ─un─┘ ──filename───────────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The bdftopcf operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -i ═══ Inhibits the normal computation of ink metrics. When a font has glyph images that do not fill the bitmap image (for example, the on pixels do not extend to the edges of the metrics), the bdftopcf command computes the actual ink metrics and places them in the .PCF file. The -t parameter inhibits this behavior. ═══ -l ═══ Sets the font bit order to the least significant bit first. For example, the left-most bit on the screen will be in the least valued bit in each unit. ═══ -L ═══ Sets the font byte order to least significant byte first. All multibyte data in the file name (metrics, bitmaps, and so on) will be written in least-significant-byte-first format. ═══ -m ═══ Sets the font bit order to most significant bit first. Bits for each glyph will be placed in this order. For example, the left most bit on the screen will be in the highest valued bit in each unit. ═══ -M ═══ Sets the font byte order to most significant byte first. All multibyte data in the file (metrics, bitmaps, and everything else) will be written most-significant-byte-first format. ═══ -o output_filename ═══ By default, bdftopcf writes the .PCF file to standard output; this option gives the name of a file to be used instead. ═══ -pn ═══ Sets the font glyph padding. Each glyph in the font will have each scanline padded to a multiple of n bytes, where n is 1, 2, 4, or 8. ═══ -t ═══ Specifies that bdftopcf converts fonts into terminal fonts when possible. A terminal font has each glyph image padded to the same size. The X WIndow System server can usually render these types of fonts more quickly. ═══ -un ═══ Sets the font scanline unit. When the font bit order is different from the font byte order, the scanline unit n describes what unit of data (in bytes) is to be swapped. The unit n can be 1, 2, or 4. ═══ filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file containing the BDF font. ═══ 6. bootp Command ═══ The bootp command finds the internet address for a client host from a server. The bootp command causes the local host hardware address (which has been uniquely assigned to the interface hardware adapter) to broadcast over the local TCP/IP network. ┌─lan0─┐ ──bootp──┼──────┼───────────────────────────────────────────── └─lann─┘ Displaying bootp Help ──bootp── -?────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The lann parameter is the network of the BOOTP server. ═══ lan0 ═══ Broadcasts to the lan0 network. This is the default. ═══ lann ═══ Broadcasts to the lann network where n is 0-7. ═══ -? ═══ Displays the list of parameters and their meanings. ═══ 7. bootpd Command ═══ The bootpd command starts the BOOTP server. The BOOTP server receives the hardware address and looks for a match in the TCPIP\ETC\BOOTPTAB file. When the server finds a match, it sends an internet address, a subnetwork, and other information to the client. The boot protocol works over a single network, but not through a router. A BOOTPTAB table must be configured with the hardware and internet address pairs plus network parameters. A sample BOOTPTAB file resides in the TCPIP\ETC directory. The services file in the ETC directory must include: sbootp 67/udp #bootp server cbootp 68/udp #bootp client ┌─────┐  │ ──bootpd──── -d───┴─────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -d ═══ Displays debugging information, such as hardware address, on the server terminal. You can specify more than one -d parameter to display any debug information. Each additional -d increases the amount of debugging information displayed. You can specify -d up to five times. ═══ 8. finger Command ═══ The finger command displays information about the users on a remote host. ┌─────────────────┐  │ ──finger──┬───────┬──host──┴──────────────────────────── └─user@─┘ Displaying finger Help ──finger──-?───────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ user@ ═══ Specifies the user name to be queried on the remote host. This parameter is optional; however, if you specify a user, the host must be followed by an @. Without user@, the finger command displays all users currently logged on at the host. With user@, only detailed information about the user being queried will be displayed. Note: A space is required between multiple user@host entries. ═══ host ═══ Specifies a host from which you request user information. This parameter is required. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 9. ftp Command ═══ The ftp command transfers files between your workstation and a remote host that is running an FTP server. ──ftp──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬────────────────── └─ -d─┘ └─ -g─┘ └─ -n─┘ └─ -i─┘ ──┬─────┬──┬──────────────┬──┬────────────────┬───────────── └─ -v─┘ └─ ─c codepage─┘ └─host─┬──────┬──┘ └─port─┘ Displaying ftp Help ──ftp── -?──────────────────────────────────────────────── Subcommands ═══ -d ═══ Enables debugging. ═══ -g ═══ Disables file name globbing (extension). ═══ -n ═══ Specifies that FTP does not look in the NETRC file. You must enter the user ID and password for the remote host. ═══ -i ═══ Disables interactive prompting. ═══ -v ═══ Toggles verbose mode on. When verbose mode is on, FTP displays all responses from the remote server. ═══ -c codepage ═══ Specifies the ASCII codepage used by the remote host. If you do not specify a codepage, the data is sent untranslated. Some other possible selections are TCPDECMU for the DEC[**] Multinational codepage, TCP8859 for ISO 8859 codepage, or NONE for PC codepage 850. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the remote host to which you are connecting. ═══ port ═══ Specifies the destination port to which you are connecting. If port is not specified, you are connected by default to the well-known FTP port as specified in the services file. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ ** ═══ DEC is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ═══ FTP Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the ftp command shell. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │! │$ │account │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │append │ascii │bell │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │binary │bye │cd │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │cdup │close │cr │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │debug │delete │dir │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │disconnect │form │get │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │glob │hash │help │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │lcd │ls │macdef │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │mdelete │mget │mkdir │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │mode │mput │nmap │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │ntrans │open │prompt │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │proxy │put │pwd │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │quit │quote │recv │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │remotehelp │rename │reset │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │rmdir │runique │send │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │sendport │site │status │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │struct │sunique │trace │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │type │user │verbose │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │? │ │ │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ ! Subcommand ═══ The ! subcommand enters the OS/2 command processor while keeping the FTP command shell in resident memory. This subcommand can also invoke the OS/2 command shell to issue a single command and immediately return to FTP. If you enter the ! subcommand without parameters, you will enter an OS/2 command shell. To return to the FTP command shell from the OS/2 command shell, type: EXIT ──!──┬─────────────────────────┬────────────────────────── └─command──┬────────────┬─┘ └─parameters─┘ ═══ command ═══ Specifies the OS/2 command that you want to issue ═══ parameters ═══ Specifies any parameters required by the OS/2 command ═══ $ Subcommand ═══ The $ subcommand issues FTP macros created with the macdef subcommand. ──$──┬────────────────────────────┬─────────────────────── └─macro_name──┬────────────┬─┘ └─parameters─┘ ═══ macro_name ═══ Specifies the macro name. ═══ parameters ═══ Specifies any parameters to be passed to the macro. You can specify more than one parameter. ═══ account Subcommand ═══ The account subcommand sends the account information to the remote host. You can issue the account subcommand with the abbreviation ac. ──account──┬──────────────┬─────────────────────────────── └─account_name─┘ ═══ account_name ═══ Specifies the account name on the remote host. If you do not specify the account name, FTP prompts you for it in non-echo mode. ═══ append Subcommand ═══ The append subcommand adds a file on your workstation to a file on the remote host. append transfers a file from your workstation to the remote host and adds it to the specified file or to a file of the same name. You can issue the append subcommand with the abbreviation ap. ──append──┬──────────────────────────────────┬─── └─source_file─┬──────────────────┬─┘ └─destination_file─┘ ═══ source_file ═══ Specifies the name of the file on your workstation that is to be transferred and appended to a file on the remote host. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ destination_file ═══ Specifies the name of the remote host file to which you want to append the source_file. ═══ ascii Subcommand ═══ The ascii subcommand sets the file transfer type to ASCII. Using the ascii subcommand is the same as issuing the type subcommand with the ascii parameter. You can issue the ascii subcommand with the abbreviation as. ──ascii─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ bell Subcommand ═══ The bell subcommand toggles the bell sound on and off. If bell is on, it will sound after each file transfer is complete. You can issue the bell subcommand with the abbreviation be. ──bell──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ binary Subcommand ═══ The binary subcommand sets the file transfer type to binary. The binary file transfer type is useful for image transfers, such as executable files. Using the binary subcommand is the same as issuing the type subcommand with the binary parameter. You can issue the binary subcommand with the abbreviation bi. ──binary────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ bye Subcommand ═══ The bye subcommand ends the FTP session and leaves the FTP command shell. The bye subcommand closes any open connection. Using bye is the same as issuing the quit subcommand. You can issue the bye subcommand with the abbreviation by. ──bye───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ cd Subcommand ═══ The cd subcommand changes the working directory on the remote host. ──cd──┬────────────────┬────────────────── └─directory_name─┘ ═══ directory_name ═══ Specifies the name of the file directory on the remote host that becomes the current working directory for file transfer tasks. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ cdup Subcommand ═══ The cdup subcommand changes the current working directory on the remote host to the current parent directory on the remote host. You can issue the cdup subcommand with the abbreviation cdu. ──cdup──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ close Subcommand ═══ The close subcommand ends the FTP connection but does not leave the FTP command shell. Using the close subcommand is the same as issuing the disconnect subcommand. You can issue the close subcommand with the abbreviation cl. ──close─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ cr Subcommand ═══ The cr subcommand strips the carriage return character from a carriage return or line feed sequence when receiving records during ASCII-type file transfers. Issue the cr subcommand to set carriage return stripping off. Issue the cr subcommand again to set carriage return stripping on. ──cr────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ debug Subcommand ═══ The debug subcommand sets debugging on or off. The initial setting is for debug to be off. You can issue the debug subcommand with the abbreviation deb. ──debug─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ delete Subcommand ═══ The delete subcommand deletes a file from the remote host. You can issue the delete subcommand with the abbreviation del. ──delete──┬───────────┬─────────────────────────────────── └─file_name─┘ ═══ file_name ═══ Specifies the name of the file to be deleted from the remote host. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ dir Subcommand ═══ The dir subcommand displays a listing of the files and directories in the directory on the remote host. ──dir──┬──────────────────────────────────┬──────────── │ ┌─ ─ ───────┐ │ └─┬───────────────┬──┼───────────┼─┘ ├─path──────────┤ └─file_name─┘ ├─pattern───────┤ └─path──pattern─┘ ═══ path ═══ Specifies a path to a different directory, a specific file, or both. ═══ pattern ═══ Specifies the pattern of the file names to be listed. Patterns are any combination of ASCII characters. The following two characters have special meaning: * The asterisk means that any character or group of characters can occupy that position in the pattern. ? The question mark means that any single character can occupy that position in the pattern. ═══ file_name ═══ Specifies the name of a file on your workstation to which you want to write the output. If you specify a file name, you must also specify a path or pattern. If you do not specify a file name or if you specify a hyphen (-), the output is displayed on the screen. ═══ disconnect Subcommand ═══ The disconnect subcommand ends the FTP connection but does not leave the FTP command shell. Using the disconnect subcommand is the same as issuing the close subcommand. You can issue the disconnect subcommand with the abbreviation dis. ──disconnect────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ form Subcommand ═══ The form subcommand sets the file transfer format. You can issue the form subcommand with the abbreviation f. ──form──format──────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ format ═══ Specifies the file transfer format (only nonprint is supported). ═══ get Subcommand ═══ The get subcommand transfers a file from a remote host to your workstation. The current settings for the type and struct subcommands are used with get. ──get──┬────────────────────────────────────┬─────────────── └─source_file─┬────────────────────┬─┘ ├─destination_file───┤ ├─con────────────────┤ └─prn────────────────┘ ═══ source_file ═══ Specifies the name of the file on the remote host that is to be transferred to your workstation. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ destination_file ═══ Specifies the name given to the source file when it is stored on your workstation. If destination_file is not specified, the source_file name is used and changed, if necessary, to conform to OS/2 file-naming conventions. If the name of the file being received is the same as a file that already exists on your workstation, your existing file is overwritten by the incoming file, unless runique is set to on. If runique is set to on, a unique file name is created for the incoming file, and your existing file is unchanged. If you are unsure whether runique is set to on, use the status subcommand to check the setting. ═══ con ═══ Specifies that the file is to be displayed on your screen. ═══ prn ═══ Specifies that the file is to be sent to a printer or special device. ═══ glob Subcommand ═══ The glob subcommand toggles the file name expansion for the mdelete, mget, and mput subcommands. You can use patterns when glob is on; this is the initial setting. You can issue the glob subcommand with the abbreviation gl. ──glob──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ hash Subcommand ═══ The hash subcommand toggles hash mark printing. When hash is on, FTP displays hash marks (#) to indicate data transfer progress. You can issue the hash subcommand with the abbreviation ha. ──hash──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ help Subcommand ═══ The help subcommand displays help information for the FTP command shell. Using the help subcommand is the same as issuing the ? subcommand. You can issue the help subcommand with the abbreviation he. ──help──┬────────────┬──────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies the subcommand for which you are requesting help. ═══ lcd Subcommand ═══ The lcd subcommand changes or displays the current working directory on your workstation. You can issue the lcd subcommand with the abbreviation lc. ──lcd──┬────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────── └─local_path─┘ ═══ local_path ═══ Specifies the name of a directory on your workstation that you want to make your current directory. If you do not specify a local path, the name of the current working directory on your workstation is displayed. ═══ ls Subcommand ═══ The ls subcommand provides a listing of the files in the current working directory on the remote host. ──ls───┬──────────────────────────────────┬──────────── │ ┌─ ─ ───────┐ │ └─┬───────────────┬──┼───────────┼─┘ ├─path──────────┤ └─file_name─┘ ├─pattern───────┤ └─path──pattern─┘ ═══ path ═══ Specifies a path to a different directory, specific file, or both. ═══ pattern ═══ Specifies the pattern of the files in the directory to be listed. Patterns are any combination of ASCII characters. The following two characters have special meaning: * The asterisk means that any character or group of characters can occupy that position in the pattern. ? The question mark means that any single character can occupy that position in the pattern. ═══ file_name ═══ Specifies the name of a file on your workstation to which you want to write the output. If you specify a file name, you must also specify a path or pattern. If you do not specify a file name, or if you specify a hyphen (-), the output is displayed on the screen. ═══ macdef Subcommand ═══ The macdef subcommand defines a macro name and begins macro input mode. Macros remain defined until you issue the close subcommand. FTP limits you to 16 macros and a total of 4096 characters in all defined macros. You can issue the macdef subcommand with the abbreviation ma. ──macdef──┬────────────┬───────────────────────────────────── └─macro_name─┘ ═══ macro_name ═══ Specifies the macro name. ═══ mdelete Subcommand ═══ The mdelete subcommand deletes a group of files from the remote host. The glob subcommand must be set to on to use this subcommand. If you are unsure whether glob is set to on, use the status subcommand to check the setting. You can issue the mdelete subcommand with the abbreviation mde. ┌───────────┐  │ ──mdelete───┬─────────┬┴────────────────────────────────── └─pattern─┘ ═══ pattern ═══ Specifies the name pattern of the files to be deleted from the remote host. Patterns are any combination of ASCII characters. The following two characters have special meaning: * The asterisk means that any character or group of characters can occupy that position in the pattern. ? The question mark means that any single character can occupy that position in the pattern. You can specify more than one pattern with the mdelete subcommand. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ mget Subcommand ═══ The mget subcommand transfers a group of files from the remote host to your workstation. The glob subcommand must be set to on to use this subcommand. If you are unsure whether glob is set to on, use the status subcommand to check the setting. You can issue the mget subcommand with the abbreviation mg. ┌───────────┐  │ ──mget───┬─────────┬┴───────────────────────────────── └─pattern─┘ ═══ pattern ═══ Specifies the name pattern of the files to be transferred from the remote host to your workstation. Patterns are any combination of ASCII characters. The following two characters have special meaning: * The asterisk means that any character or group of characters can occupy that position in the pattern. ? The question mark means that any single character can occupy that position in the pattern. You can specify more than one pattern with the mget subcommand. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ mkdir Subcommand ═══ The mkdir subcommand creates a directory on the remote host. You can issue the mkdir subcommand with the abbreviation mk. ──mkdir──┬───────────┬──────────────────────────────────── └─directory─┘ ═══ directory ═══ Specifies the path to the directory that you are creating. If you do not specify a directory, the FTP command prompts you for the path. ═══ mode Subcommand ═══ The mode subcommand sets the file transfer mode. You can issue the mode subcommand with the abbreviation mo. ──mode──mode_name───────────────────────────────────────── ═══ mode_name ═══ Specifies the file transfer mode (only stream is supported). ═══ mput Subcommand ═══ The mput subcommand transfers a group of files from your workstation to a remote host. The glob subcommand must be set to on to use this subcommand. If you are unsure whether glob is set to on, use the status subcommand to check the setting. You can issue the mput subcommand with the abbreviation mp. ┌───────────┐  │ ──mput───┬─────────┬┴──────────────────────────────────── └─pattern─┘ ═══ pattern ═══ Specifies the name pattern of the files to be copied from your workstation to the remote host. Patterns are any combination of ASCII characters. The following two characters have special meaning: * The asterisk means that any character or group of characters can occupy that position in the pattern. ? The question mark means that any single character can occupy that position in the pattern. You can specify more than one pattern with the mput subcommand. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ nmap Subcommand ═══ The nmap subcommand toggles file name mapping. The initial setting for nmap is off. File name mapping occurs with the put and mput subcommands and with the get and mget subcommands when they are issued without a local file name. You can issue the nmap subcommand with the abbreviation nm. ──nmap──┬───────────────────────┬───────────────────────── └─inpattern──outpattern─┘ ═══ inpattern ═══ Specifies the character pattern of the file names. ═══ outpattern ═══ Specifies the character pattern of the remote host file names. ═══ ntrans Subcommand ═══ The ntrans subcommand toggles file name character translation. The initial setting for ntrans is off. If you do not specify inchars with the ntrans subcommand, the current status of ntrans is displayed. You can issue the ntrans subcommand with the abbreviation nt. ──ntrans──┬───────────────────────┬─────────────────────── └─inchars──┬──────────┬─┘ └─outchars─┘ ═══ inchars ═══ Specifies the character for the file name on the workstation ═══ outchars ═══ Specifies the character for the remote file name ═══ open Subcommand ═══ The open subcommand establishes a connection to a remote host. You can issue the open subcommand with the abbreviation o. ──open──┬────────────────┬──────────────────────────────── └─host──┬──────┬─┘ └─port─┘ ═══ host ═══ Specifies the remote host to which you want to connect. If you do not specify host, FTP prompts you for a host. ═══ port ═══ Specifies the destination port to which you are connecting. If you do not specify a port, you are connected by default to the well-known FTP port as specified in the services file. ═══ prompt Subcommand ═══ The prompt subcommand toggles interactive prompting. The initial setting for prompt is on. You can issue the prompt subcommand with the abbreviation prom. ──prompt────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ proxy Subcommand ═══ The proxy subcommand forwards subcommands to another server to allow logical connections between two servers; this connection allows file transfers between the servers. You can issue the proxy subcommand with the abbreviation prox. ──proxy──┬────────────┬─────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies an ftp subcommand. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ put Subcommand ═══ The put subcommand transfers a file from your workstation to a remote host. Using the put subcommand is the same as issuing the send subcommand. You can issue the put subcommand with the abbreviation pu. ──put──┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────── └─source_file─┬──────────────────┬─┘ ├─destination_file─┤ ├─con──────────────┤ └─prn──────────────┘ ═══ source_file ═══ Specifies the name of the file on your workstation that is to be transferred to the remote host. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ destination_file ═══ Specifies the name given to the source_file when it is stored on the remote host. If destination_file is not specified, the source_file name is used and changed, if necessary, to conform to OS/2 file-naming conventions. If the name of the file being received is the same as a file that already exists on the remote host, the existing file is overwritten by the incoming file, unless sunique is on. If sunique is on, a unique file name is created for the incoming file, and the existing file is unchanged. ═══ con ═══ Specifies that the file is to be displayed on the server screen. ═══ prn ═══ Specifies that the file is to be sent to a destination printer or special device. ═══ pwd Subcommand ═══ The pwd subcommand displays the name of the current working directory on the remote host. You can issue the pwd subcommand with the abbreviation pw. ──pwd───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ quit Subcommand ═══ The quit subcommand ends the FTP session and exits the FTP command shell. Using the quit subcommand is the same as issuing the bye subcommand. You can issue the quit subcommand with the abbreviation qui. ──quit──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ quote Subcommand ═══ The quote subcommand sends the specified text to the remote host verbatim. Note: Using quote with commands that involve data transfers can produce unpredictable results. You can issue the quote subcommand with the abbreviation quo. ──quote──┬──────────┬──────────────────────────────────── └─argument─┘ ═══ argument ═══ Specifies the information to send to the remote host. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ recv Subcommand ═══ The recv subcommand transfers a file from a remote host to your workstation. The current settings for the type and struct subcommands are used with recv. You can issue the recv subcommand with the abbreviation rec. ──recv──┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────── └─source_file─┬──────────────────┬─┘ ├─destination_file─┤ ├─con──────────────┤ └─prn──────────────┘ ═══ source_file ═══ Specifies the name of the file on the remote host that is to be transferred to your workstation. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ destination_file ═══ Specifies the name given to the source_file when it is stored on your workstation. If destination_file is not specified, the source_file name is used and changed, if necessary, to conform to OS/2 file-naming conventions. If the name of the file being received is the same as a file that already exists on your workstation, your existing file is overwritten by the incoming file, unless runique is set to on. If runique is set to on, a unique file name is created for the incoming file, and your existing file is unchanged. If you are unsure whether runique is set to on, use the status subcommand to check the setting. ═══ con ═══ Specifies that the file is to be displayed on your screen. ═══ prn ═══ Specifies that the file is to be sent to a printer or special device. ═══ remotehelp Subcommand ═══ The remotehelp subcommand identifies the services and their respective syntax specifications. You can issue the remotehelp subcommand with the abbreviation rem. ──remotehelp──┬─────────┬───────────────────────────────────── └─command─┘ ═══ command ═══ The command parameter identifies the host command for which you want to view help information. ═══ rename Subcommand ═══ The rename subcommand renames a file on the remote host. You can issue the rename subcommand with the abbreviation ren. ──rename──┬──────────────────────┬──────────────────────────── └─oldname──┬─────────┬─┘ └─newname─┘ If you do not specify either of these parameters, FTP will prompt you for them. ═══ oldname ═══ Specifies the current name of a file in the working directory of the remote host. ═══ newname ═══ Specifies the new name for the file. If the file name specified by the newname already exists, an error message is displayed. ═══ reset Subcommand ═══ The reset subcommand clears the reply queue and resets the command reply sequencing between the local processor and the remote server. You can issue the reset subcommand with the abbreviation res. ──reset─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ rmdir Subcommand ═══ The rmdir subcommand removes a directory from the remote host. You can issue the rmdir subcommand with the abbreviation rm. ──rmdir──┬───────────┬──────────────────────────────────── └─directory─┘ ═══ directory ═══ Specifies the directory that you want to remove from the remote host. If you do not specify a directory, FTP prompts you for one. ═══ runique Subcommand ═══ The runique subcommand toggles the creation of unique file names for local destination files during the get, mget, and recv operations. The initial setting for runique is off. If runique is set to off, FTP will overwrite existing files. If runique is set to on, FTP will not overwrite existing files. You can issue the runique subcommand with the abbreviation ru. ──runique───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ send Subcommand ═══ The send subcommand transfers a file from your workstation to a remote host. Using the send subcommand is the same as issuing the put subcommand. ──send──┬──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────── └─source_file─┬──────────────────┬─┘ ├─destination_file─┤ ├─con──────────────┤ └─prn──────────────┘ ═══ source_file ═══ Specifies the name of the file on your workstation that is to be transferred to the remote host. If you do not specify this value, FTP will prompt you for it. ═══ destination_file. ═══ Specifies the name given to the source_file when it is stored on the remote host. If destination_file is not specified, the source_file name is used and changed, if necessary, to conform to OS/2 file-naming conventions. If the name of the file being received is the same as a file that already exists on the remote host, the existing file is overwritten by the incoming file, unless sunique is on. If sunique is on, a unique file name is created for the incoming file, and the existing file is unchanged. ═══ con ═══ Specifies that the file is to be displayed on the server screen or console. ═══ prn ═══ Specifies that the file is to be sent to a destination printer or special device. ═══ sendport Subcommand ═══ The sendport subcommand toggles the use of FTP PORT commands. The initial setting for sendport is to use PORT commands. You can issue the sendport subcommand with the abbreviation sendp. ──sendport──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ site Subcommand ═══ The site subcommand sends service-specific information to a remote host. You can issue the site subcommand with the abbreviation si. ──site───parameters──────────────────────────────────────── ═══ parameters ═══ Specifies the service-specific information. To identify services and their respective syntax specifications, issue the remotehelp subcommand. ═══ status Subcommand ═══ The status subcommand displays the following information:  Connection status  Transfer mode  Transfer type  Form  Structure  Flags You can issue the status subcommand with the abbreviation sta. ──status────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ struct Subcommand ═══ The struct subcommand specifies the file transfer structure. You can issue the struct subcommand with the abbreviation str. ──struct──┬─file───┬────────────────────────────────────── └─record─┘ ═══ file ═══ Specifies a file structure that is a continuous sequence of data bytes. This structure is supported for both ASCII and binary file transfer types. ═══ record ═══ Specifies a file structure that is not currently supported by TCP/IP. ═══ sunique Subcommand ═══ The sunique subcommand toggles the creation of unique file names for the destination files during put, mput, and send operations. The initial setting of sunique is off. If sunique is off, FTP will overwrite existing files. If sunique is on, FTP will not overwrite existing files. You can issue the sunique subcommand with the abbreviation su. ──sunique───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ trace Subcommand ═══ The trace subcommand toggles the flag that determines whether transmitted packets are traced. The initial setting for trace is off. You can issue the trace subcommand with the abbreviation tr. ──trace─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ type Subcommand ═══ The type subcommand sets the file transfer type. You can issue the type subcommand with the abbreviation ty. ──type──┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────── ├─ascii──┤ └─binary─┘ The setting that you specify will remain in effect until you either change it or quit FTP. If you specify type without a parameter, FTP will display a message indicating the current transfer type. ═══ ascii ═══ Specifies the file transfer type as ASCII. ASCII is the initial setting for FTP's file transfer type. Specifying the type subcommand with the ascii parameter is the same as issuing the ascii subcommand. ═══ binary ═══ Specifies the file transfer type as binary (image). Specifying the type subcommand with the binary parameter is the same as issuing the binary subcommand. ═══ user Subcommand ═══ The user subcommand identifies you to the remote host. You can issue the user subcommand with the abbreviation u. ──user──┬──────────────────────┬────────────────────────── └─userid──┬──────────┬─┘ └─password─┘ ═══ userid ═══ Specifies your name to the remote host. ═══ password ═══ Specifies the password associated with your user ID. ═══ verbose Subcommand ═══ The verbose subcommand toggles the flag that determines whether responses from the FTP server are displayed. The initial setting for verbose is on. You can issue the verbose subcommand with the abbreviation v. ──verbose───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? Subcommand ═══ The ? subcommand displays help information for the FTP command shell. Using the ? subcommand is the same as issuing the help subcommand. ──?──┬────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies the subcommand for which you are requesting help. ═══ 10. ftpd Command ═══ The ftpd command uses the FTPD.EXE program to start the FTP server. It runs as a task until you shut down the server. ──ftpd──┬──────────────┬──┬────────────────┬────────────────── └─ ─p ─┘ └─ ─c ─┘ ═══ -p ═══ Specifies the port that you want FTPD to use. If you omit this option, FTPD uses its well-known port assignment. ═══ -c ═══ Specifies the ASCII codepage used by the remote host. If you do not specify a codepage, the data is sent untranslated. The possible values are: TCPDECMU for the DEC Multinational codepage TCP8859 for ISO 8859 codepage NONE for PC codepage 850 ═══ 11. ftppm Command ═══ The ftppm command starts FTPPM, which transfers files between your workstation and a remote host that is running an FTP server. You can use standard Presentation Manager[*] input and output conventions in the FTPPM window. ─ftppm──┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────┬── └─host──┬────────────────────────────────────────┬─┘ └─userid──┬────────────────────────────┬─┘ └─password──┬──────────────┬─┘ └─account_name─┘ ═══ Presentation Manager ═══ Presentation Manager is a trademark of IBM Corporation. ═══ host ═══ The first remote host to which you are connecting. ═══ userid ═══ The name associated with you by the remote host to which you are establishing a connection. ═══ password ═══ The password for your user ID on the remote host. ═══ account_name ═══ The account information required by the host. ═══ 12. host Command ═══ The host command translates a specified host name to its IP address, or translates a specified IP address to its host name. ──host──┬─host_name─┬────────────────────────────────────── └─ip_addr───┘ ═══ host_name ═══ The host name of the host whose IP address is to be translated. ═══ ip_addr ═══ The IP address of the host whose host name is to be translated. ═══ 13. hostname Command ═══ The hostname command sends a request to the domain-name server to resolve your host name from your internet address and displays the host name. ──hostname───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 14. ifconfig Command ═══ The ifconfig command assigns an address to a network interface and configures the network interface parameters. The ifconfig command displays the current configuration for a network interface when only an interface is supplied. If an address family is specified using af, ifconfig reports only the details specific to that address family. To receive help for the command syntax, use the ifconfig command alone, without specifying an interface, address, or parameter. ┌─metric 0─┐ ┌─mtu 1500─┐ ──ifconfig──interface──┼──────────┼──┼──────────┼───────────── └─metric n─┘ └─mtu n────┘ ┌─ ─trailers─┐ ┌─arp───┐ ┌─bridge───┐ ─┤Address Family├─┼────────────┼──┼───────┼──┼──────────┼────── └─trailers───┘ └─ ─arp─┘ └─ ─bridge─┘ ┌─snap───┐ ──┼────────┼──┬─────────┬──broadcast broadcast_address───────── └─ ─snap─┘ └─ ─allrs─┘ ┌─ ─802.3─┐ ┌─icmpred───┐ ┌─ ─canonical─┐ ──┼─────────┼──┼───────────┼──┼─────────────┼────────────────── └─802.3───┘ └─ ─icmpred─┘ └─canonical───┘ Address Family ┌up──┐ ├──┬────┬┬─────────────────────┬┼────┼┬────────────┬──────────┤ └─af─┘└address┬────────────┬┘└down┘└netmask mask┘ └dest_address┘ ═══ interface ═══ The name of the interface you are configuring (lan0, lan1, lan2, lan3, lan4, lan5, lan6, lan7, sl, x25, or lo). Note: Specifying lo creates a local loopback interface. The local loopback interface bypasses the network interface drivers to provide a direct internal connection back to the internet protocol support. For example, if you type ifconfig lo, you can use the address as a local loopback. ═══ metric n ═══ Sets the metric for the interface to n. The value for n is a number (1-15). The default is 0 (directly connected). This routing metric is used by the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). The higher the metric, the greater the number of hops to the destination network or host. ═══ mtu n ═══ Sets the maximum transmission unit of the interface to n. The value n represents a number. The default is 1500. Typical mtu settings are: ADAPTER mtu SETTING PC Network adapter 1462 Ethernet adapter on an IEEE[**] 802.3 network 1492 Token-Ring 6/4 Adapter/A card on a 16 megabyte token-ring 4400 X.25 coprocessor adapter 576 ═══ trailers ═══ Requests the use of trailer-link level encapsulation when sending. For example, if a network interface supports trailers, the system, when possible, encapsulates outgoing messages, which minimizes the number of memory-to-memory copy operations that the receiver must perform. On networks that support ARP, this parameter indicates that the system should request that other systems use trailers when sending to this host. Trailer encapsulations are sent to other hosts that have made such requests. ═══ ** ═══ IEEE is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ═══ -trailers ═══ Disables trailer link level encapsulation. This is the default. ═══ af ═══ Specifies the name of the address family supported. Because an interface can receive transmissions in different protocols, with each protocol requiring a separate naming scheme, you must specify the address family. However, specifying the address family can change the interpretation of the remaining parameters. The only address family currently supported is inet. ═══ address ═══ Specifies the address assigned to a particular interface in the standard dotted-decimal notation. ═══ dest_address ═══ Specifies the address of the correspondent on the receiving end of a point-to-point link. ═══ up ═══ Enables an interface after the interface has been marked as being down with an ifconfig statement. Interfaces are automatically marked as being up when the first address is set on an interface. ═══ down ═══ Marks an interface as being down. When an interface is marked as being down, the system does not attempt to transmit messages through that interface. In some cases, the reception of messages is also disabled. This action does not automatically disable routes using the interface. ═══ netmask mask ═══ Specifies how much of the internet address to reserve for use as a subnetwork address. This parameter is used for networks only. For example, the subnetwork capability of TCP/IP divides a single network into multiple logical networks. An organization can have a single internet network address that is known to users outside the organization, but can configure its internal network into different departmental subnetworks. The subnetwork portion of an internet address is then divided into a subnetwork number and a host number, for example: network_number subnet_number host_number where: . network_number Is the network portion of the internet address subnet_number Is the subnetwork portion of the local address host_number Is the host portion of the local address The mask value includes the network portion of the local address and the subnetwork portion, which is taken from the host field of the address. The mask can be specified as a single hexadecimal number with a leading X'0' or with a dotted-decimal notation address. The mask contains a 1 for each bit position of the 32-bit address that is to be used for the network and subnetwork and a 0 for the bit position to be used by the host. The mask should contain at least the standard network portion, but the bits of the mask do not have to be contiguous. The subnetwork field should be contiguous with the network portion. ═══ arp ═══ Enables ARP in mapping between network level addresses and physical or station addresses. This is the default. ARP is currently used for mapping between internet addresses and Ethernet addresses or IBM token-ring addresses. ═══ -arp ═══ Disables ARP. ═══ bridge ═══ Enables routing field support. This is the default. ═══ -bridge ═══ Disables routing field support. ═══ snap ═══ Sends token-ring headers with the extended snap format. This is the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ( IEEE) standard and is necessary to communicate with workstations using the extended snap format, such as AIX[*]. This is the default. ═══ AIX ═══ AIX is a trademark of IBM Corporation. ═══ -snap ═══ Does not send token-ring headers with the extended snap format. ═══ -allrs ═══ Sets the token-ring broadcast indicator to single-route broadcast. The default is all-routes broadcast. See the IBM LAN Technical Reference, SC30-3383, for more information about all-routes and single-route broadcasting. ═══ broadcast broadcast_address ═══ Specifies the address to use to represent broadcasts to the network. The default broadcast address is an internet address with a local address that has a value of all 1s. ═══ -802.3 ═══ Disables IEEE 802.3. Enables Ethernet DIX 2. This is the default. ═══ 802.3 ═══ Enables IEEE 802.3. ═══ icmpred ═══ Allows TCP/IP to add routes obtained by ICMP redirects. This is the default. ═══ -icmpred ═══ Prevents TCP/IP from adding routes obtained by ICMP redirects. ═══ canonical ═══ Mac addresses in address resolution protocol packets on this token-ring network are in the canonical IEEE 802.5 form. ═══ -canonical ═══ Mac addresses in address resolution protocol packets on this token-ring network are in the noncanonical format. This is the default. ═══ 15. inetd Command ═══ The inetd command enables a super server that allows you to start more than one server from a single OS/2 session and use a specific server when needed. The inetd command supports the following servers:  FTPD  RSHD  LPD  TELNETD  REXECD  TFTPD Note: INETD will start the servers listed in the INETD.LST file in the ETC subdirectory. To create or modify the INETD.LST file, use the autostart pages of the TCP/IP configuration notebook. The tcpipcfg command opens the configuration notebook. ──inetd──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 16. ipformat Command ═══ The ipformat command tries to format the IPTRACE.DMP and the SLIPTRC.DMP files into a user-readable format and display it to the screen. You can redirect the output to a file for browsing with a editor. If ipformat cannot determine what type of packet was received, a HEX representation of the data is displayed. Ipformat will separate the IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP layers. The rest of the packet will be displayed as HEX output. ┌─ -f IPTRACE.DMP─┐ ──ipformat──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┼─────────────────┼──┬─────┬───── └─ ─a─┘ └─ ─d─┘ └─ ─f filename────┘ └─ ─h─┘ ──┬─────┬──┬───────────────┬──┬───────────┬──────────────────── └─ ─n─┘ └─ ─s hwaddress─┘ └─>filename─┘ Displaying ipformat Help ──ipformat── -?─────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -a ═══ Do not format ARP or RARP packets. ═══ -d ═══ Do not display the data portion of a packet. ═══ -f filename ═══ Specifies the input fine name. The default is IPTRACE.DMP. ═══ -h ═══ Display the raw data packet after the formatted information. ═══ -s hwaddress ═══ Format data only for the specified hardware address. Replace hwaddress with the 12-digit hexadecimal address for the Ethernet or Token-Ring adapter. You can use the NETSTAT -n command to display this address. ═══ -n ═══ Do not display hexadecimal data for unknown data type. ═══ > filename ═══ Redirect the output to the specified file. ═══ -? ═══ Display help information. ═══ 17. ipgate Command ═══ The ipgate command is used to enable or disable IP forwarding when TCP/IP is acting as an IP router. ──ipgate──┬─on──┬──────────────────────────────────────── └─off─┘ Displaying ipgate Help ──ipgate── -?────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ on ═══ Enables the forwarding of IP packets. ═══ off ═══ Disables the forwarding of IP packets. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of parameters. ═══ 18. ipparse Command ═══ The ipparse command reads the IPTRACE.DMP file and produces a HEX dump for the screen. You can redirect this information to a file that you can browse with an editor. There are no parameters associated with IPPARSE. Start ipparse from the same directory where the IPTRACE.DMP file resides. You can enter ipparse with no parameters to dump the data to the screen, or you can enter ipparse < filename to dump the data to the named file. ──ipparse──┬────────────┬────────────────────────────────────── └─ >filename─┘ ═══ >filename ═══ Specifies a file into which the data is dumped. ═══ 19. iptrace Command ═══ The iptrace command will trace all packets received from and sent to the Ethernet or or Token-Ring adapter. There are no parameters associated with iptrace. The data is written to IPTRACE.DMP in the directory from which iptrace was started. To stop iptrace, press the Ctrl-c keys. Because IPTRACE will record all traffic sent and received, the IPTRACE.DMP file can grow quite large. There is no error checking to see if there is enough hard disk space available to continue recording the information. You should use iptrace in a limited fashion so that it does not impact the performance of the workstation where it is being run. iptrace is not a network monitor. It can trace only data received by and sent from the adapter. Also, iptrace does not provide a time stamp: it does not record when the packet was sent or received. After you start iptrace, it traces all adapters at the workstation. You can not select one adapter when several are installed. ──iptrace──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 20. lamail Command ═══ The lamail command starts the mail handling system that views, creates and sends, and organizes mail into mail folders. ──lamail──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 21. ln Command ═══ The ln command is a network file support [**] (NFS[**]) command that is used to create symbolic links on an NFS-mounted drive. You can define links (or pointers) to other files or directories elsewhere within a directory structure. The source file and the link must both reside on the same NFS-mounted drive. ┌─current_drive:─┐ ──ln──┬─ ─d─────────┬──┼────────────────┼──link_name────── └─source_name─┘ └─drive_letter:──┘ ═══ NFS and network file system ═══ NFS and network file system are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ═══ -d ═══ Deletes a link. ═══ source_name ═══ Specifies the name of the file or directory to which you are creating a link. ═══ drive_letter ═══ Specifies the mounted NFS drive where the link exists. The default is the current drive. ═══ link_name ═══ Specifies the name of the link to be created or deleted. ═══ 22. lpd Command ═══ The lpd command starts the LPR server, LPD, which provides the print spooling service. ──lpd──┬─────┬──┬─────────────────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬────────── └─ ─c─┘ └─ ─b──┬────────┬─┘ └─ ─s─┘ └─ ─f─┘ └─banner─┘ Displaying lpd Help ──lpd── ─?───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -c ═══ Prevents printing of the control file. ═══ -b banner ═══ Prints either a specific banner or none at all. banner is the optional file containing the copyright information to be printed. If you specify a banner file, that file is used as the banner. If you do not specify a banner file, a banner is not printed. If you specify a banner file with the -b parameter, the following keywords can be used to display specific job information. Keyword Description %H% Name of the host that originated the print job %U% Name of the user that originated the print job %J% Name of the print job %C% Class of the print job ═══ -s ═══ Causes LPD to validate client requests based on the port addresses. According to RFC 1179, all line printer requests should come from clients on a port within the range of 721 to 731. However, because some clients do not support this range, the default does not verify that the client is connecting from a valid port within this range. ═══ -f ═══ Changes the default file format from binary to text. When a client sends a print job to an LPD server, the client can specify that the job is of a particular file format. LPD recognizes two file formats:  Binary  Text When LPD receives a binary file, the file is sent as is directly to the specified queue for printing. If the file received is a text file, LPD first converts each line feed (LF) to a carriage return line feed (CRLF) pair. The file is then sent to the specified queue. If a client fails to specify a file format, or if a client specifies a format other than binary or text, LPD treats the job as if it were binary. To change the default file format from binary to text, use the -f parameter on the LPD command line. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 23. lpq Command ═══ The lpq command queries jobs that are in the queue of a remote printer attached to a network host that provides print spooling services. ──lpq──┬─────┬──┬─────────────┬──┬────────────┬──┬─────────┬─ └─ ─l─┘ └─ ─p printer─┘ └─ ─s server─┘ └─joblist─┘ Displaying lpq help ──lpq── ─?───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -l ═══ If -l is not specified, LPQ requests short output from the server. ═══ -p printer ═══ Specifies the name of the printer to query. If the -p parameter is omitted, LPQ looks at environment variable LPR_PRINTER for the corresponding value. ═══ -s server ═══ Specifies the name or internet address of a network host with print spooling capabilities. If a print server is not specified on the command line, LPQ looks at environment variable LPR_SERVER for the corresponding value and uses that value as the print server. If a print server is not specified with the lpq command or defined in the environment variable LPR_SERVER, LPQ displays an error message and ends. ═══ joblist ═══ A list of job identifiers for which the information is to be displayed. If this value is not specified, the default is to return information about all jobs queued on the specified printer. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 24. lpr Command ═══ The lpr command allows you to transfer the contents of a file on your workstation to a network host that provides print spooling services. ┌─ ─r 3───────┐ ┌─ ─q 10──────┐ ──lpr──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┼─────────────┼──┼─────────────┼────── ├─ ─b─┤ └─ ─n─┘ └─ ─r retries─┘ └─ ─q seconds─┘ └─ ─f─┘ ──┬─────────────┬──┬────────────┬──filename──────────────────── └─ ─p printer─┘ └─ ─s server─┘ Displaying lpr Help ──lpr── ─?──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -b ═══ Specifies that the data is interpreted as binary by the LPR server, LPD. ═══ -f ═══ When the print server is running on a UNIX[**] system, the -f parameter formats the file using the UNIX pr command. When the print server is running under OS/2, LPR passes the file through unchanged. ═══ UNIX ═══ UNIX is a trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. ═══ -n ═══ Displays no messages unless an error occurs. ═══ -r retries ═══ Sets the number of retries (0-5). The default is 3. ═══ -q seconds ═══ Sets the retry delay in seconds. The default is 10. ═══ -p printer ═══ Specifies the name of the printer to which the file is sent. If the -p parameter is omitted, LPR looks at environment variable LPR_PRINTER for the corresponding value. ═══ -s server ═══ Specifies the name or internet address of a network host with print spooling capabilities. If a print server is not specified on the command line, LPR looks at environment variable LPR_SERVER for the corresponding value and uses that value as the print server. If a print server is not specified with the lpr command or defined in the environment variable, LPR displays an error message and ends. ═══ filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file to be sent to the printer. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 25. lprm Command ═══ The lprm command allows you to remove jobs in the queue on a remote printer attached to a network host that provides print spooling services. ─lprm─┬───────────┬─┬─────────────┬─┬────────────┬─┬─────────┬─ └─ ─a agent─┘ └─ ─p printer─┘ └─ ─s server─┘ └─joblist─┘ Displaying lprm Help ──lprm── ─?─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -a agent ═══ Specifies an agent name to send to the server. If an agent is not specified, LPRM will send the value of the USER environment variable followed by @hostname (where hostname is the symbolic name or internet address of your host). ═══ -p printer ═══ Specifies the name of the printer from which you are trying to delete a job. If the -p parameter is omitted, LPRM looks at the environment variable LPR_PRINTER for the corresponding value. ═══ -s server ═══ Specifies the name or internet address of the network host with print spooling capabilities. If a print server is not specified on the command line, LPRM looks at environment variable LPR_SERVER for the corresponding value and uses that value as the print server. If a printer server is neither specified with the lprm command nor defined in the environment variable, LPRM displays an error message and ends. ═══ joblist ═══ Specifies a list of job identifiers for the jobs to be removed from the remote queue. If this value is not specified, the default is to remove the current job in the remote queue. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 26. lprmon Command ═══ The lprmon command starts LPRMON, a parallel device monitor that sets up your workstation to automatically send data to a remote LPR server. With this setup, you can print to an LPR server without an application using the Line Printer Protocol directly. ┌─ ─r 3───────┐ ┌─ ─q 10──────┐ ──lprmon──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┼─────────────┼──┼─────────────┼─── ├─ ─b─┤ └─ ─n─┘ └─ ─r retries─┘ └─ ─q seconds─┘ └─ ─f─┘ ──┬─────────────┬──┬────────────┬──devicename────────────────── └─ ─p printer─┘ └─ ─s server─┘ Displaying lprmon Help ──lprmon── ─?───────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -b ═══ Specifies that the data is interpreted as binary by the server, LPD. ═══ -f ═══ When the print server is running on a UNIX system, the -f parameter formats the file using the UNIX pr command. When the print server is running under OS/2, LPD passes the file through unchanged. ═══ -n ═══ Disables the beep that occurs when there is an error. ═══ -r retries ═══ Sets the number of retries (0-5). The default is 3. ═══ -q seconds ═══ Sets retry delay in seconds. The default is 10. ═══ -p printer ═══ Specifies the name of the printer to which the file is sent. If the -p parameter is omitted, LPRMON looks at environment variable LPR_PRINTER for the corresponding value. ═══ -s server ═══ Specifies the name or internet address of a network host with print spooling capabilities. If a print server is not specified on the command line, LPRMON looks at environment variable LPR_SERVER for the corresponding value and uses that value as the print server. If a print server is not specified with the lprmon command or defined in the environment variable, LPRMON displays an error message and ends. ═══ devicename ═══ Specifies the parallel port for LPRMON to monitor. Data sent to this port is then redirected to a remote LPR server. This must be specified as lptn, where n is a number (1-3). ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 27. lprportd Command ═══ Use the lprportd command to start LPD port support. This starts LPRPORTD.EXE which must be running before you can print to an LPD port icon. ──lprportd────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 28. mkfontdr Command ═══ The mkfontdr command creates a FONTS.DIR file that the server uses to translate font designations to font file names. ┌───────────┐  │ ──mkfontdr────directory─┴───────────────────────────────── ═══ directory ═══ The name of the directory in which the fonts reside. ═══ 29. mount Command ═══ The mount command is used to mount a directory on an NFS server as a local drive. The server must authorize the client for access before the client can mount a directory. ──mount──┬─────┬──┬───────────┬──┬─────┬──┬────────┬─────────── └─ ─c─┘ └─ ─vpasswd─┘ └─ ─a─┘ └─ ─uuid─┘ ──┬────────┬──┬────────────┬──┬─────────────┬──┬─────┬────────── └─ ─ggid─┘ └─ ─lloginid─┘ └── ─ppasswd──┘ └─ ─s─┘ ──drive_letter──host_name:exported_file_system───────────────── Displaying mount Help ──mount── -?────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -c ═══ Removes carriage returns when writing to remote drives. The -c parameter is used to write to text files on operating systems, such as UNIX, that do not understand carriage returns. Do not use this option to write binary files to a mounted file system. ═══ -vpasswd ═══ Causes NFS to assume this is a VM server and prompts you for your VM password if you do not specify a password. ═══ -a ═══ Maps the OS/2 archive bit to the NFS group execute bit. ═══ -uuid ═══ Specifies the user ID (UID). ═══ -ggid ═══ Specifies the group ID (GID). ═══ -lloginid ═══ Specifies the login ID for PCNFSD. ═══ -ppasswd ═══ Specifies password for PCNFSD. ═══ drive_letter ═══ Specifies the drive you use to access the mounted file system. ═══ -s ═══ Specifies that file sharing and record locking requests are to be sent to the NFS server. ═══ host_name ═══ Specifies the host name of the NFS server to be used as a remote resource. ═══ exported_file_system ═══ Specifies the file system that the NFS server has exported to the local host. A standard format for the exported file system exists, but other formats can be used depending on the server. The exported_file_system string is passed to the server untouched. This string can specify information such as user IDs, passwords, access type, and a mount point. exported_file_system must be the last parameter specified on the mount command. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 30. mvslogin Command ═══ The mvslogin command authenticates an NFS client's access to a data set on a specific MVS NFS server. To access a data set, you must issue the mvslogin command, which sends your password to the server, before accessing files on the corresponding mounted file system. ──mvslogin──┬──────┬──┬───────────┬──┬─────────────┬─────────── ├─ ─p──┤ └─ ─g group─┘ └─ ─a account─┘ ├─ ─n──┤ └─ ─pn─┘ ──host_name──┬───────────────┬───────────────────────────────── └─mvs_user_name─┘ ═══ -p ═══ Causes mvslogin to prompt you for your MVS password. The password is passed to the mainframe to validate your access. The type of security procedures required by your site determine whether this parameter is used. ═══ -n ═══ Prompts you for a new MVS password. The type of security procedures required by your site determine whether this parameter is used. ═══ -pn ═══ Causes a prompt for the user's current password and then causes two prompts for the user's new password. The type of security procedures required by the site determine whether this parameter is used. ═══ -g group ═══ Specifies a group name string, which is passed to the mainframe for accounting purposes. The maximum length for this string is 8 characters. ═══ -a account ═══ Specifies an account string, which is passed to the mainframe for accounting purposes. The maximum length for this string is 16 characters. ═══ host_name ═══ Specifies the internet host name of the MVS NFS server. ═══ mvs_user_name ═══ Specifies your ID, which the mainframe recognizes as a valid login. Your system administrator determines what you must use. ═══ 31. mvslogut Command ═══ The mvslogut command ends the authenticated connection with the MVS NFS server that was created using the mvslogin command. Issue the mvslogut command at the close of each session. ──mvslogut──host_name───────────────────────────────────── ═══ host_name ═══ Specifies the internet host name of the MVS NFS server. ═══ 32. netstat Command ═══ The netstat command displays the network status of the local workstation. The netstat command provides information about TCP connections, user datagram protocol (UDP) and internal protocol (IP) statistics, memory buffers, and sockets. ┌───────┐  │ ──netstat── ─ ──┬────┬─┴─────────────────────────────────── ├─ m─┤ ├─ t─┤ ├─ u─┤ ├─ i─┤ ├─ s─┤ ├─ r─┤ ├─ c─┤ ├─ n─┤ ├─ a─┤ └─ p─┘ Displaying netstat Help ──netstat── ─?──────────────────────────────────────────── More than one parameter can be specified with the netstat command line. Do not enter spaces between the parameters when you use the netstat command with multiple parameters. The netstat command ignores any entry after a space ═══ m ═══ Displays information about memory buffer usage ═══ t ═══ Displays information about TCP connections ═══ u ═══ Displays information about UDP statistics ═══ i ═══ Displays information about IP statistics ═══ s ═══ Displays information about sockets ═══ r ═══ Displays routing tables and corresponding network interfaces ═══ c ═══ Displays information about internet control message protocol (ICMP) statistics ═══ n ═══ Displays information about LAN interfaces ═══ a ═══ Displays the address of the network interfaces ═══ p ═══ Displays the contents of the address resolution protocol table ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information ═══ 33. nfsclean Command ═══ The nfsclean command is an NFS command that is used to detach all NFS mounted drives from the file system. ──nfsclean──────────────────────────────────────────────────── This command produces the same results as the following command: unmount * ═══ 34. nfsctl Command ═══ The nfsctl command starts the OS/2 NFS client control program, NFSCTL. The control program must be running before you can access an NFS server. ┌─ ─b8192─┐ ┌─ ─r5──┐ ┌─ ─t1─┐ ┌─ ─s4─┐ ──nfsctl──┼─────────┼──┼───────┼──┼──────┼──┼──────┼─────────── └─ ─bn────┘ └─ ─rn──┘ └─ ─tn─┘ └─ ─sn─┘ ┌─ ─w─┐ ──┼─────┼──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬─────────────────────────── └─ ─p─┘ └─ ─c─┘ └─ ─z─┘ └─ ─i─┘ ═══ -bn ═══ Sets the transfer buffer size for read and write requests. This number must not exceed 8192. The default value is 8192. ═══ -rn ═══ Sets the number of remote procedure call (RPC) retries that the OS/2 NFS Client sends to the server before ending the access attempt. The default value is 5. ═══ -tn ═══ Sets the time-out value (in seconds) for an RPC request. The default value is 1. ═══ -sn ═══ Defines the number of Biods that are to be started by OS/2 NFSCTL. The Biods are a tool to allow parallel reads and writes to a file. The default value is 4. ═══ -p ═══ Requests that the OS/2 NFSCTL use the Biods for both reading and writing. ═══ -w ═══ Specifies that the OS/2 NFSCTL use the Biods for reading only. The -w parameter is used with servers that do not support parallel writes to a file. -w is the default. ═══ -c ═══ Respects case when performing file name comparisons. If you do not specify this parameter and if the first query fails, the OS/2 NFS Client will try the name in uppercase. If this attempt also fails, the OS/2 NFS Client will try the name in lowercase. ═══ -z ═══ Respects file name case when creating files and directories. If you do note specify this parameter, files and directories will be created in lowercase. ═══ -i ═══ Specifies that the OS/2 NFS client does serial read/write requests instead of a parallel read/write requests. This is equivalent to specifying the s0 parameter. ═══ 35. nfsd Command ═══ The nfsd command starts the NFS server. Verify that PORTMAP is running before starting the NFS server. If PORTMAP is not running, type portmap at an OS/2 command prompt to start it. ──nfsd──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 36. nfsdir Command ═══ The nfsdir command allows you to display a directory from an NFS-mounted drive. Notes:  The output is a four-column wide listing of files.  No file sizes are shown.  This command works for a non-NFS drive also. ──nfsdir──┬────────────────────────┬───┬──────────┬───────── └─drive_letter:─┬──────┬─┘ └─filemask─┘ └─path─┘ ═══ drive_letter ═══ The drive you want to search. ═══ path ═══ The path you want to search. ═══ filemask ═══ The standard OS/2 file mask for displaying selected files ═══ 37. nfsstart Command ═══ The nfsstart command starts the OS/2 NFS client and automatically mounts entries that are in the TCPIP\ETC\FSTAB file. You can use nfsstart with the TCPIP\ETC\FSTAB file when you have a set of servers that you mount every day to avoid mounting each one manually. ┌─ ─b8192─┐ ┌─ ─r5──┐ ┌─ ─t1─┐ ──nfsstart──┬─────────┬──┼─────────┼──┼───────┼──┼──────┼────── └─etc_dir─┘ └─ ─bn────┘ └─ ─rn──┘ └─ ─tn─┘ ┌─ ─s4─┐ ┌─ ─w─┐ ──┼──────┼──┼─────┼──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬───────────────── └─ ─sn─┘ └─ ─p─┘ └─ ─c─┘ └─ ─z─┘ └─ ─i─┘ ═══ etc_dir ═══ Specified the base directory for the FSTAB file. If you do not specify this parameter, the value of the ETC environment variable is used. ═══ -bn ═══ Sets the transfer buffer size for read and write requests. This number must not exceed 8192. The default value is 8192. ═══ -rn ═══ Sets the number of remote procedure call (RPC) retries that the OS/2 NFS Client sends to the server before ending the access attempt. The default value is 5. ═══ -tn ═══ Sets the time-out value (in seconds) for an RPC request. The default value is 1. ═══ -sn ═══ Defines the number of Biods that are to be started by NFSCTL, the OS/2 NFS client control program. The Biods are a tool to allow parallel reads and writes to a file. The default value is 4. ═══ -p ═══ Requests that the OS/2 NFS Client control program use the Biods for both reading and writing. ═══ -w ═══ Specifies that the OS/2 NFS Client control program use the Biods for reading only. The -w parameter is used with any servers that do not support parallel writes to a file. -w is the default. ═══ -c ═══ Respects case when performing file name comparisons. If you do not specify this parameter and if the first query fails, the OS/2 NFS Client will try the name in uppercase. If this attempt also fails, the OS/2 NFS Client will try the name in lowercase. ═══ -z ═══ Respects file name case when creating files and directories. If you do not specify parameter, files and directories will be created in lowercase. ═══ -i ═══ Specifies that the OS/2 NFS Client does serial read/write requests instead of parallel read/write requests. This is equivalent to specifying the -s0 parameter. ═══ 38. nr2 Command ═══ The nr2 command starts the OS/2 news reader to enable users to read or append to the Internet news groups. ──nr2──┬─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────── ├─server──┬─────┬─┤ │ ├─/nc─┤ │ │ └─/u──┘ │ ├─/s──┬─────┬─────┤ │ └─/nc─┘ │ ├─/nc─────────────┤ └─/?──────────────┘ ═══ server ═══ Specifies the host name or IP address of the news server to which you want to connect. ═══ /s ═══ Causes NewsReader/2 to prompt you to enter the host name or IP address of a news server to access. The news server name that you enter here will replace the name currently stored in NR2.INI. ═══ /nc ═══ Starts NewsReader/2 without connecting to the news server. You can use this option to import a NEWSRC file from a UNIX system. For example, you could import a news file (NEWS.GRP) from a UNIX-format NEWSRC file in your ETC subdirectory. You can also use this option if you want to learn how to use NewsReader/2 but do not have a news server. ═══ /u ═══ Starts NewsReader/2 in update mode. In update mode, NewsReader/2 accesses the news server and obtains an updated set of all news groups for later display in your ALL GROUPS window. ═══ /? ═══ Displays help for the nr2 command. ═══ 39. nslookup Command ═══ The nslookup command queries name servers in either interactive or noninteractive mode. nslookup in Interactive Mode ──nslookup──┬──────────┬──┬───────────────┬─────────────── └─ ─option─┘ └─ ─name_server─┘ nslookup in Noninteractive Mode ──nslookup──┬──────────┬──host_name──┬───────────────┬──── └─ ─option─┘ └─ ─name_server─┘ Subcommands ═══ -option ═══ Sets the default values for the query. You can specify any option that the set subcommand for interactive mode uses. For example: nslookup -querytype=HINFO -timeout=10 See The set Subcommand for a complete listing of these options. ═══ host_name ═══ Specifies the name of the host to be queried. ═══ -name_server ═══ Specifies the name server to be queried. ═══ NSLOOKUP Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the NSLOOKUP command shell. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │exit │finger │help │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │host │ls │lserver │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │root │server │set │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │view │? │ │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ exit Subcommand ═══ The exit subcommand ends the NSLOOKUP command shell. ──exit──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ finger Subcommand ═══ The finger subcommand connects your programmable workstation with the finger server on the current host. The current host is defined when a previous lookup for a host is successful and address information is returned. For more information on the returned address, see The set querytype and set type Subcommands. ──finger──┬──────┬──┬──────────────────┬────────────────── └─name─┘ └─┬─>──┬──filename─┘ └─>>─┘ ═══ name ═══ Specifies that a list of logged-on users for the current host be returned. Information about a particular user can be found by specifying the name of the user as a parameter. The name is passed in the specified case to the query host. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the name in the same case in which the name appears on the host. ═══ > ═══ Specifies that the output be directed to a file. Output goes to a file that you can view later with the view subcommand. ═══ >> ═══ Specifies that the output be directed to a file. Output is appended to a file that you can view later with the view subcommand. ═══ filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file where the output is to be written. ═══ help Subcommand ═══ The help subcommand displays a summary of the nslookup subcommands. Using the help subcommand is the same as issuing the ? subcommand. ──help──subcommand─────────────────────────────────── ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies an nslookup subcommand. ═══ host Subcommand ═══ The host subcommand looks up information for the specified host using a server. ──host──┬────────┬──────────────────────────────────────── └─server─┘ ═══ host ═══ Specifies the name of a host. If the host you specify is an internet address and the query type is A or PTR, the name of the host is returned. If the host you specify is a name and does not have a trailing period, the default domain name is appended to the name. This behavior depends on the state of the set options:  domain  srchlist  defname  search If you specify a host with a trailing period, a search of the domains that are not current is initiated. ═══ server ═══ Specifies the server. If you do not specify a server, the current server will be used. ═══ ls Subcommand ═══ The ls subcommand lists the information available for a specific domain, optionally creating or appending the information to a file. The initial output contains host names and their internet addresses. ──ls──┬───────────────┬──domain──┬──────────────────┬───── ├─ ─t querytype─┤ └─┬─>──┬──filename─┘ ├─ ─a───────────┤ └─>>─┘ ├─ ─d───────────┤ ├─ ─h───────────┤ └─ ─s───────────┘ ═══ -t querytype ═══ Lists all records of the specified type. ═══ -a ═══ Lists aliases of hosts in the domain. Using this option is the same as issuing the set type subcommand with the CNAME parameter. ═══ -d ═══ Lists all records for the domain. Using this option is the same as issuing the set type subcommand with the ANY parameter. ═══ -h ═══ Lists operating system information for the domain. Using this option is the same as issuing the set type subcommand with the HINFO parameter. ═══ -s ═══ Lists well-known services of hosts in the domain. When output is directed to a file, hash marks are printed for each group of 50 records received from the server. Using this option is the same as issuing the set type subcommand with the WKS parameter. ═══ domain ═══ Specifies the domain for which information is requested. ═══ > ═══ Specifies that the output be directed to a file. Output goes to a file that you can view later with the view subcommand. ═══ >> ═══ Specifies that the output be directed to a file. Output is appended to a file that you can view later with the view subcommand. ═══ filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file where the output is to be written. ═══ lserver Subcommand ═══ The lserver subcommand changes the default server. ──lserver──name─────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ name ═══ Specifies the name of the server. If an authoritative answer is not found, the names of servers that might provide the answer are returned. ═══ root Subcommand ═══ The root subcommand changes the default server to the server for the root of the domain-name space. The current host is ns.nic.ddn.mil, but it can be changed using the set root subcommand. Using the root command is the same as issuing the lserver subcommand with the name server being ns.nic.ddn.mi. ──root──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ server Subcommand ═══ The server subcommand changes the default server. ──server──name──────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ name ═══ Specifies the name of the server. If an authoritative answer is not found, the names of servers that might provide the answer are returned. ═══ set Subcommand ═══ The set subcommand changes internal state information that affects query results. The following information can be set with the set subcommand. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │all │class │d2, nod2 │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │debug, nodebug │defname, │domain │ │ │nodefname │ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │ignoretc, │port │querytype, type│ │noignoretc │ │ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │recurse, │retry │root │ │norecurse │ │ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │search, │srchlist │timeout │ │nosearch │ │ │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │vc, novc │ │ │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ set all Subcommand ═══ Use the set all subcommand to print the current values of the frequently-used options that set the internal-state variables. Information about the current default server and host is also printed. ──set──all──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ set class Subcommand ═══ Use the set class subcommand to set the query class. The class specifies the protocol group that is to be used for information. You can issue the class parameter with the abbreviation cl. ┌─in─────┐ ──set──class──=──┼────────┼─────────────────────────────── ├─chaos──┤ ├─hesiod─┤ └─any────┘ ═══ in ═══ Specifies the internet class. This value is the default. ═══ chaos ═══ Specifies the chaos class. ═══ hesiod ═══ Specifies the MIT Athena Hesiod(**) class. ═══ MIT Athena Hesiod ═══ Project Athena is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ═══ any ═══ Specifies any parameters. ═══ set d2 and set nod2 Subcommands ═══ These subcommands start or end the exhaustive debugging mode. set d2 specifies that the exhaustive debugging mode, which prints all the fields of every query packet, is started. With set nod2, no printing occurs. The default is nod2. ┌─nod2─┐ ──set──┼──────┼───────────────────────────────── └─d2───┘ ═══ set debug and set nodebug Subcommands ═══ These subcommands switch between the debug and nodebug mode. Debug mode prints debugging information for each query packet sent to the server and the resulting response. Nodebug mode does not print the debugging information. You can issue the nodebug parameter with the abbreviation nodeb. You can issue the debug parameter with the abbreviation deb. The default is nodebug. ┌─nodebug─┐ ──set──┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────────────── └─debug───┘ ═══ set defname and set nodefname Subcommands ═══ The set defname subcommand appends the default domain name to a single-component query (one that does not contain a period). You can issue the defname parameter with the abbreviation def. You can issue the nodefname parameter with the abbreviation nodef. The default is defname. ┌─defname───┐ ──set──┼───────────┼────────────────────────────────────── └─nodefname─┘ ═══ set domain Subcommand ═══ The set domain subcommand changes the name of the default domain. The domain search list contains the parents of the default domain if it has at least two components in its name. For example, if the default domain is CC.Berkeley.EDU, the search list is CC.Berkeley.EDU and Berkeley.EDU. Use the set srchlist subcommand to specify a different list. Use the set all subcommand to display the list. The default is the current value for the host name found in \ETC\RESOLV. You can issue the domain parameter with the abbreviation do. ──set──domain=name──────────────────────────────────── ═══ name ═══ Sets the default domain name to name. The default domain name is appended to a lookup request, depending on the state of the defname and search options. ═══ Set ignoretc and noignoretc Subcommands ═══ The set ignoretc subcommand handles truncated responses. You can issue the ignoretc parameter with the abbreviation ig. You can issue the noignoretc parameter with the abbreviation noig. The default is ignoretc. ┌─ignoretc───┐ ──set──┼────────────┼───────────────────────────────────── └─noignoretc─┘ ═══ set port Subcommand ═══ The set port subcommand specifies the port to access. You can change the default TCP/UDP name server port to the value specified. You can issue the port parameter with the abbreviation po. ┌─port=53────┐ ──set──┼────────────┼───────────────────────────────── └─port=value─┘ ═══ value ═══ Specifies the port number. The default is 53. ═══ set querytype and set type Subcommands ═══ These subcommands set the type of information returned by queries. You can issue the querytype parameter with the abbreviation q. You can issue the type parameter with the abbreviation t. ──set──┬─querytype─┬──=──┬─A─────┬──────────────────────── └─type──────┘ ├─CNAME─┤ ├─HINFO─┤ ├─MINFO─┤ ├─MX────┤ ├─NS────┤ ├─PTR───┤ ├─SOA───┤ ├─TXT───┤ ├─UINFO─┤ └─WKS───┘ For information about other types such as ANY, AXFR, MB, MD, MF, and NULL, see RFC 1035. ═══ A ═══ Indicates the Internet address of the host. ═══ CNAME ═══ Indicates the canonical name for an alias. ═══ HINFO ═══ Indicates operating system information. ═══ MINFO ═══ Indicates the mailbox or mail list information. ═══ MX ═══ Indicates the mail exchanger. ═══ NS ═══ Indicates the name server for the named zone. ═══ PTR ═══ Indicates a pointer to the host name if the query is an internet address. If the query is not an Internet address, this is a pointer to other information. ═══ SOA ═══ Indicates the domain's start of authority information. ═══ TXT ═══ Indicates the text information. ═══ UINFO ═══ Indicates the user information. ═══ WKS ═══ Indicates the supported well-known services. ═══ set recurse and set norecurse Subcommands ═══ The set recurse subcommand notifies the name server to perform a recursive query, querying other servers if it does not have the information. The set norecurse subcommand specifies that no recursive query will take place. You can issue the recurse parameter with the abbreviation rec. You can issue the norecurse parameter with the abbreviation norec. The default is recurse. ┌─recurse───┐ ──set──┼───────────┼────────────────────────────────────── └─norecurse─┘ ═══ set retry Subcommand ═══ The set retry subcommand sets the number of times to retry a request. When a reply to a request is not received within the specified timeout period, the timeout period is doubled and the request is resent. You can issue the retry parameter with the abbreviation ret. ┌─retry=4──────┐ ──set──┼──────────────┼─────────────────────────────── └─retry=number─┘ ═══ number ═══ Specifies the number of times to retry a request. The default is 4. ═══ set root Subcommand ═══ The set root subcommand changes the defined name of the root server. You can issue the root parameter with the abbreviation ro. ┌─root=ns.nic.ddn.mil─┐ ──set──┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────────── └─root=host───────────┘ ═══ host ═══ Specifies the name of the host the root server is changed to. The default is ns.nic.ddn.mil. ═══ set search and set nosearch Subcommands ═══ The set search subcommand directs NSLOOKUP to append the domain names in the domain search list to the query (reiterative searching) until an answer is received. This search occurs when the lookup request contains at least one period but does not end with a trailing period. The set nosearch subcommand directs NSLOOKUP not to append the domain names in the domain search list to the query. You can issue the search parameter with the abbreviation sea. You can issue the nosearch parameter with the abbreviation nosea. The default is search. ┌─search───┐ ──set──┼──────────┼─────────────────────────────────────── └─nosearch─┘ ═══ set srchlist Subcommand ═══ The set srchlist subcommand changes the default domain name to the first name specified and the domain search list to all the domains specified. You can issue the srchlist parameter with the abbreviation srchl. ┌─/────┐  │ ──set──srchlist=────name─┴────────────────────────────── ═══ name ═══ Specifies a domain name. You can specify a maximum of six names, each separated by a slash (/). For example, to set the domain name to lcs.MIT.EDU, and the search list to include ai.MIT.EDU, and MIT.EDU, as well as lcs.MIT.EDU, the subcommand is: set srchlst=lcs.MIT.EDU/ai.MIT.EDU/MIT.EDU This subcommand overrides the default domain name and search list of the set domain subcommand. You can display the list with the set all subcommand. The initial setting is the host name found in \ETC\RESOLV. ═══ set timeout Subcommand ═══ The set timeout subcommand changes the number of seconds to wait before timing out on a request. Each retry doubles the timeout period. You can issue the timeout parameter with the abbreviation ti. ┌─timeout=5────────┐ ──set──┼──────────────────┼───────────────────────────── └─timeout=number───┘ ═══ number ═══ Specifies the length of time, in seconds. The default is 5. ═══ set vc and set novc Subcommands ═══ The set vc subcommand directs NSLOOKUP to use a virtual circuit (TCP connection) to send requests to the server. The set novc subcommand directs NSLOOKUP not to use a virtual circuit to send requests to the server. You can issue the vc parameter with the abbreviation v. You can issue the novc parameter with the abbreviation nov. The default is novc (datagrams). ┌─novc─┐ ──set──┼──────┼─────────────────────────────────────────── └─vc───┘ ═══ view Subcommand ═══ The view subcommand sorts and lists the output of the previous ls subcommands ──view──filename────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file where the output was saved. ═══ ? Subcommand ═══ The ? subcommand displays a summary of the NSLOOKUP subcommands. Using the ? subcommand is the same as issuing the help subcommand. ──?─────subcommand──────────────────────────────────────── ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies an NSLOOKUP subcommand ═══ 40. os22unix Command ═══ The os22unix command converts ASCII files from OS/2 format to UNIX format. This command converts OS/2 carriage return line feed pairs (CR LF) to UNIX line feeds (LF). No other conversions are performed. ──os22unix── outfile─────────────────────────── Note: The os22unix command is implemented as a filter. Therefore, you must include the < redirection symbol to sepcify the name of the input file and the > redirection symbol to specify the name of the output file. If the redirection symbols are not included, the filter expects its input to come from the keyboard (the default input device) and will send its output to the display (the default output device). ═══ infile ═══ The file you want to convert. ═══ outfile ═══ The file in which you receive the translated text. ═══ 41. ping Command ═══ The ping command sends an echo request to a remote host to determine if the host is accessible. ─ping┬─────┬─┬─────┬─┬─────┬──host─┬────────────────────────┬─ └─ ─d─┘ └─ ─r─┘ └─ ─v─┘ └─data_size─┬──────────┬─┘ └─npackets─┘ Displaying ping Help ──ping── ─?─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -d ═══ Starts the socket-level debugging process. ═══ -r ═══ Bypasses the routing tables and sends packets directly to a host on an attached network. If the host is not on a directly-connected network, PING cannot make a connection. This parameter can be used to ping a local host through an interface that no longer has a route through it. ═══ -v ═══ Specifies verbose output. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the IP address or host name of the remote host to which you want to send the echo request. ═══ data_size ═══ Sets the number of data bytes for the echo request (the default number of data bytes is 56, with an additional 8-byte header attached). ═══ npackets ═══ Sets the number of echo requests that are sent to the remote host. These parameters are position dependent; you cannot specify the number of packets without specifying the data size. Note: If you do not specify npackets, the echo request is sent continuously until one of the following actions stops the echo request:  Pressing the Ctrl and C keys simultaneously  Pressing the Ctrl and Break keys simultaneously  Closing the task ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 42. pmant Command ═══ The pmant command starts PMANT, a Presentation Manager 3270 terminal emulator session. To use PMANT, a Telnet server must be running on a remote host. Note: On screens with many extended attributes, the screen is painted without extended attributes before the extended attributes can be painted. ┌──rows 24─┐ ┌──cols 80─┐ ──pmant──┬──────┬──┬───────┬──┼──────────┼──┼──────────┼─────── └─host─┘ └─ ─ext─┘ └─ ─rows n─┘ └─ ─cols n─┘ ──┬──────┬──┬─────┬──┬──────┬──┬──────────┬───────────────────── └─ ─nb─┘ └─ ─b─┘ └─ ─ew─┘ └─ ─t text─┘ ──┬───────────────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬──────────────────────── └─ ─tx filename─┘ └─ ─ncb─┘ └─ ─bc─┘ ┌─ ─p 23──────────┐ ──┼─────────────────┼──┬─────┬────────────────────────────────── └─ ─p port_number─┘ └─ ─d─┘ Displaying pmant Help ──pmant── ─?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host to which you are connecting. PMANT immediately tries to establish a connection to the remote host. If you do not specify a host, PMANT displays a window that prompts you to enter the host. ═══ -ext ═══ Starts support for extended colors and nonstandard screen sizes. Extended highlighting (reverse, blink, and underline) is supported. ═══ -rows n ═══ Specifies the screen dimensions in number of rows (24-80). The default is 24. Note: If -rows and -cols are specified and -ext is not specified, the resulting screen size is a standard screen size equal to or smaller than the size requested. The following are the four standard terminal screen sizes, specified in rows by columns: 24 x 80 32 x 80 43 x 80 27 x 132 ═══ -cols n ═══ Specifies the screen dimensions in number of columns (80-150). The default is 80. Note: If -rows and -cols are specified and -ext is not specified, the resulting screen size is a standard screen size equal to or smaller than the size requested. The following are the four standard terminal screen sizes, specified in rows by columns: 24 x 80 32 x 80 43 x 80 27 x 132 ═══ -nb ═══ Suppresses the bell. ═══ -b ═══ Changes the output translation table for code points X'AD' and X'BD' to display them as square brackets. On a 3179 terminal with the text feature, the square brackets are at code points X'BA' and X'BB'. However, many programs display the brackets using X'AD' and X'BD', because that is the EBCDIC definition. ═══ -ew ═══ Ignores Erase/Write requests to change to the default display size (24 X 80). ═══ -t text ═══ Specifies text to be displayed in the title bar and task list. When -t text is not used, PMANT displays the specified host in the title bar and task list. When -t is used, the text specified precedes the host. For example, if you issue the pmant command like this: pmant host1 -t sometext Then sometext: host1 is displayed in the title bar and task list. No spaces are allowed in the text. ═══ -tx filename ═══ Reads the specified translation table. If the file name you specified does not contain the full path, PMANT searchs the TCPIP\ETC directory for the file. If you do not specify -tx, PMANT uses the translation file 3278XLT.TBL in the TCPIP\ETC directory. If this file does not exist in the TCPIP\ETC directory, PMANT uses the default US translate table provided with the application. ═══ -ncb ═══ Specfies a nonblinking cursor. Note: Even if you do not specify -ncb, the cursor will still blink on screens where there is a blinking field. ═══ -bc ═══ Specifies a block cursor. ═══ -p port_number ═══ Specifies the port number to be used. The default port is 23. Port 1023 is recommended if you are using servers that send ASCII prior to switching to transparent mode. ═══ -d ═══ Generates a PMANT.LOG file containing debug information for terminal negotiation and all data sent to and received from the server. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 43. pmant Keyboard Mapping ═══ The default keyboard definitions are: WORKSTATION FUNCTION KEYBOARD KEY Enter Field-Exit Esc ATTN PgUp PF7 PgDn PF8 Shift-Enter Newline Shift-Tab Backtab Shift-F1 through Shift-F12 PF13 through PF24 Right-Control Enter Note: These actions apply to the standard PS/2 keyboard. If you use another keyboard, the functions may vary. ═══ 44. pmping Command ═══ The pmping command starts PING, a Presentation Manager program that uses ping to monitor a list of hosts that you define. This list of hosts is stored in the file PINGHOST.LST. ──pmping────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 45. pmx Command ═══ The pmx command starts the OS/2 Presentation Manager for X Window System[**] for the server. ──pmx──┬──────────────────────┬──┬─────────────────────┬─────── └─ ─clickclienttoraise─┘ └─ ─clickframetoraise─┘ ┌─ -co TCPIP\X11\RGB.TXT─┐ ──┼────────────────────────┼──┬─────────────────┬─────────────── └─ ─co filename──────────┘ └─ ─explicitfocus─┘ ┌─ -fc cursor───┐ ┌─ -fn fixed────┐ ──┼───────────────┼──┼───────────────┼────────────────────────── └─ ─fc fontname─┘ └─ ─fn fontname─┘ ┌─ -fp TCPIP\X11\MISC,TCPIP\X11\75DPI,TCPIP\X11\SPEEDO─┐ ──┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼────── │ ┌─,────────┐ │ │  │ │ └─ ─fp ───pathname─┴───────────────────────────────────┘ ──┬─────────────────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬────────────────────── └─ ─implicitfocus─┘ └─ ─k n─┘ └─ ─lc─┘ ──┬─────────────────────┬──┬─────────────┬────────────────────── └─ ─logpath directory─┘ └─ ─nocascade─┘ ┌─ ─colorcursor─┐ ──┬───────────────┬──┬────────────┬──┼───────────────┼────────── └─ ─nocopyright─┘ └─ ─pmcursor─┘ └─ ─bwcursor────┘ ──┬──────────────────────┬──┬───────────────────┬─────────────── └─ ─reversecolorcursor─┘ └─ ─reversebwcursor─┘ ┌─ ─r─┐ ──┬───────────────┬──┼─────┼──┬───────────────┬──┬─────┬──────── └─ ─pseudocolor─┘ └─r───┘ └─ ─staticcolor─┘ └─ ─I─┘ ──┬───────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─iconify─┘ Note: The pmx operands can be entered in any order. Displaying pmx Help ──pmx── ─help───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ X Window System ═══ X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ═══ -clickclienttoraise ═══ Tells the server to raise windows to the top when clicks are done in the application (client) area, which is the usual Presentation Manager behavior. (Clicks in the PM frame also can raise the window.) This option turns off any previous -clickframetoraise option on the pmx command line. This option is the default. ═══ -clickframetoraise ═══ Tells the server to raise windows to the top only when clicks are done on the PM frame. Clicking on the application (client) area will not raise the window. This option turns off any previous -clickclienttoraise option on the pmx command line. ═══ -co filename ═══ Sets the color database file name. The default is TCPIP\X11\RGB.TXT. ═══ -explicitfocus ═══ Tells the server to transfer focus from one client window to another only by clicking in the window. This is the normal behavior for Presentation Manager windows and is the default behavior for the server. This option turns off any previous -implicitfocus option on the pmx command line. ═══ -fc fontname ═══ Sets the cursor font. The default is cursor. ═══ -fn fontname ═══ Sets default font. The default is fixed. ═══ -fp pathname ═══ Sets the default font path. The default is TCPIP\X11\MISC,TCPIP\X11\75DPI,TCPIP\X11\SPEEDO. ═══ -implicitfocus ═══ Tells the server to transfer focus from one client window to another simply by moving the pointer into the client area of the window. It is not necessary to click on a client window to transfer focus to it (provided some PMX client window already has focus). This is not the normal behavior for Presentation Manager windows. This option turns off any previous -explicitfocus option on the pmx command line. ═══ -k n ═══ Sets the keyboard type, where n comes from the following table. Typical USA keyboards have 101 keys; European languages usually have 102 keys. PMX handles three types of Japanese keyboards. ┌────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐ │ KEYBOARD TYPE │ -K FLAG VALUE │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ 101 key │ 101 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ 102 key │ 102 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-A01 (106 keys) │ 5576-A01 or 5576A01 or 106A │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-001 (124 keys) │ 5576-001 or 5576001 or 124 │ ├────────────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-002 (106 keys) │ 5576-002 or 5576002 or 106 │ └────────────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┘ ═══ -lc ═══ Doubles the dimensions of any cursor, unless it will become too large to be a Presentation Manager cursor. ═══ -logpath directory ═══ Specifies where to put the PMX.LOG log file. If -logpath is not specified, the directory for PMX.LOG is specified by the ETC environment variable. If PMX files are stored on a shared read-only disk, this allows the log file to be placed elsewhere. ═══ -nocascade ═══ Windows that are not initially positioned by user specifications normally are cascaded down the screen. The -nocascade parameter says to not cascade if the application provided an initial location. ═══ -nocopyright ═══ Does not display initial copyright window when starting. ═══ -pmcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use the PM arrow as the cursor, not an X Window System cursor. ═══ -bwcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System cursor, but with only black and white instead of colors. This is the default if the PM display device driver does not support colored cursors. ═══ -colorcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System colored cursor. This is the default unless the PM display device driver does not support colored cursors. ═══ -reversecolorcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System colored cursor. The foreground and background colors will be reversed from the normal colors. For example, the normal X Window System cursor will be black on the outside, and white in the middle. ═══ -reversebwcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System cursor, but with only black and white instead of colors. Black and white will be reversed from the normal colors. For example, the normal X Window System cursor will be black on the outside and white in the middle. ═══ -pseudocolor ═══ Tells PMX to provide a PseudoColor visual (modifiable color maps) for applications to select. You can specify the -pseudocolor parameter with the abbreviation -pseudo. ═══ -r ═══ Turns on automatic repeating of keys on the keyboard. This is the default. ═══ r ═══ Turns off automatic repeating of keys on the keyboard. ═══ -staticcolor ═══ Tells PMX to provide a StaticColor visual (nonmodifiable color map) for applications to select. You can specify the -staticcolor parameter using the abbreviation -static. ═══ -I ═══ Ignores all remaining arguments. ═══ -iconify ═══ Specifies that the X Window System server window will automatically reduce to a window-list entry. The X Window System server will also be shown as an icon in the minimized window folder or on the desktop. ═══ -help ═══ Displays help information for the pmx command and does not start the X Window System server. ═══ 46. pmxwait Command ═══ The pmxwait command tests whether the server becomes ready to accept client connections within a specified time period. ┌─ ─quiet───┐ ┌─30──────┐ ──pmxwait──┼───────────┼──┼─────────┼──────────────────────────────────── └─ ─verbose─┘ └─seconds─┘ Displaying pmxwait help ──pmxwait───?──────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -verbose ═══ Specifies that a message prints on the standard output device indicating whether the server was ready. If a wait is necessary, a message is also printed. You can specify the verbose parameter with the abbreviation -v. ═══ -quiet ═══ Specifies that no messages are printed. -quiet is the default. You can specify the quiet parameter with the abbreviation -q. ═══ seconds ═══ Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the server to become ready to accept client connections. If seconds is not specified, the default number of 30 seconds is used. The maximum time period is 180. ═══ ? ═══ Prints the pmxwait command syntax on a standard output device. Any other parameters are ignored. ═══ 47. portmap Command ═══ The portmap command starts a protocol to define a network service that permits clients to look up the port number of any remote program supported by the server. ──portmap───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 48. qmount Command ═══ The qmount command queries the characteristics of a drive. ──qmount──┬───────────────────┬─────────────────────────── └─drive_letters─────┘ Displaying qmount Help ──qmount── ─?───────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ drive_letters ═══ Specifies the drives to query from the local file system. If you do not specify a drive letter, a list of all attached file systems is displayed. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 49. rexec Command ═══ The rexec command issues a command on a remote host. The rexec command sends a single command to the remote host. ──rexec──host──┬───────────────┬──┬──────────────┬──┬─────┬──── └─ ─l loginname─┘ └─ ─p password─┘ └─ ─k─┘ ──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──command─────────────────────────── └─ ─n─┘ └─ ─b─┘ └─ ─i─┘ Displaying rexec Help ──rexec── ─?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ host ═══ Specifies the remote host on which the command is to be issued. ═══ -l loginname ═══ Specifies the user ID on host. If you do not specify a login name, the values in the NETRC file are used. ═══ -p password ═══ Specifies the password that is associated with the login name. If you do not specify a password, the values in the NETRC file are used. If the NETRC file does not provide the password value, rexec prompts you for the password. You can enter the password in a nonecho mode. ═══ -k ═══ Ignores the local keyboard input. This is helpful for running noninteractive input, especially from a batch file. ═══ -n ═══ Specifies not to use the NETRC file for automatic login. ═══ command ═══ Specifies the command to be issued on the remote host. The command must be in the syntax used by the remote host. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ -b ═══ Transfers data to and from the remote host using binary mode. If you do not use this switch, REXEC transfers the data using the ascii mode. If you omit this switch, RSH will strip the CR from a CRLF pair when sending data to the remote host and will add a CR to the LF on data received from the remote host. ═══ -i ═══ Uses interactive mode for input. REXEC reads input directly from the keyboard instead of from standard input (stdin). ═══ 50. rexecd Command ═══ The rexecd command starts the REXEC server on your local host. The rexecd command starts the REXECD.EXE program and runs as a task until you shut down the server. ┌─ ─t 180─────┐ ──rexecd──┼─────────────┼───────────────────────────────── └─ ─t seconds─┘ ═══ -t seconds ═══ The number of seconds before the server will timeout while servicing a client command. The default is 180. If you do not want a timeout, specify -1. ═══ 51. route Command ═══ The route command is used to modify the network routing tables. Use the route command only if you are an experienced TCP/IP user. Adding to the Route Table ─route─┬─────┬──┬─────┬─add─┬─net────┬─┬─destination─┬─router── └─ ─f─┘ └─ ─h─┘ ├─subnet─┤ └─default─────┘ └─host───┘ ──metric───────────────────────────────────── Deleting from the Route Table ─route─┬─────┬─┬─────┬─delete─┬─net────┬─┬─destination─┬─router─ └─ ─f─┘ └─ ─h─┘ ├─subnet─┤ └─default─────┘ └─host───┘ ──┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────── └─metric─┘ Route Table Help ──route─-?───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -f ═══ Empties the routing tables of all network and subnet route entries. If this is used in conjunction with another parameter, the tables are emptied before the other parameters take effect. ═══ -h ═══ Empties the routing tables of all host route entries. If this is used in conjunction with another parameter, the tables are emptied before other parameters take effect. ═══ add ═══ Adds a route. If you specify the add parameter, metric is required. ═══ delete ═══ Deletes a route. ═══ net ═══ Specifies that a network is to be added or deleted. ═══ subnet ═══ Specifies that a subnet is to be added or deleted. ═══ host ═══ Specifies that a host is to be added or deleted. ═══ destination ═══ Specifies the internet address of the host, network, or subnet. ═══ default ═══ Specifies all destinations not defined with another routing table entry. ═══ router ═══ Specifies the internet address of the next hop in the path to the destination. ═══ metric ═══ Specifies the number of hops to the destination. The metric parameter is required for adding to the route table. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 52. routed Command ═══ The routed command starts the ROUTE server on your local host. This command starts the ROUTED.EXE program, which runs as a task until you shut down the server. ──routed──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬──────────────┬─ └─ ─d─┘ └─ ─g─┘ └─ ─s─┘ └─ ─q─┘ ├─ ─t──────────┤ ├─ ─t ─t───────┤ ├─ ─t ─t ─t────┤ └─ ─t ─t ─t ─t─┘ Displaying routed Help ──routed── -?───────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The parameters for the routed command are case-sensitive and must be entered in lowercase. ═══ -d ═══ Enables additional debugging information to be logged, such as corrupted packets received. ═══ -g ═══ Offers a route to the default destination. You can use this on a gateway to an internet or on a gateway that uses another routing protocol whose routes are not reported to other local gateways. ═══ -s ═══ Forces the routed command to supply routing information, regardless of whether it is acting as an internetwork router. This occurs if there is more than one network interface present or if a point-to-point link is in use. ═══ -q ═══ Suppresses broadcasting of routing information. ═══ -t ═══ Starts the packet tracing process. ═══ -t -t ═══ Starts the packet tracing process and traces all packets sent or received on the standard output. The spaces between the parameters are required. ═══ -t -t -t ═══ Starts the packet tracing process, traces all packets sent or received on the standard output, and starts history tracing. The spaces between the parameters are required. ═══ -t -t -t -t ═══ Starts the packet tracing process, traces all packets sent or received on the standard output, starts history tracing, and starts tracing the packet contents. The spaces between the parameters are required. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 53. rpcgen Command ═══ The rpcgen command generates C code to implement an RPC protocol. The input to rpcgen is a language similar to C, known as RPC language. ──rpcgen──infile────────────────────────────────────────── ──rpcgen──┬─ ─c─┬──┬─────────────┬──┬────────┬──────────── ├─ ─h─┤ └─ ─o outfile─┘ └─infile─┘ ├─ ─l─┤ └─ ─m─┘ ──rpcgen── ─s transport──┬─────────────┬──┬────────┬────── └─ ─o outfile─┘ └─infile─┘ ═══ -c ═══ Compiles into XDR routines. ═══ -h ═══ Compiles into C data definitions (a header file). ═══ -l ═══ Compiles into client-side stubs. ═══ -m ═══ Compiles into server-side stubs without generating a main routine. ═══ -o outfile ═══ Specifies the name of the output file. If none is specified, standard output is used for -c, -h, -l, -m, and -s modes. ═══ infile ═══ Specifies the name of the input file written in the RPC language. ═══ -s transport ═══ Compiles into server-side stubs, using the given transport. ═══ 54. rpcinfo Command ═══ The rpcinfo command makes an RPC call to the RPC server and reports the status of the server, which is registered and operational with Portmapper[**]. rpcinfo for a Host ┌─local_host─┐ ──rpcinfo── ─p ──┼────────────┼─────────────────────────── └─host───────┘ rpcinfo for a Host Using UDP ──rpcinfo──┬─────────────┬── ─u host prognum──┬─────────┬─ └─ ─n portnum─┘ └─versnum─┘ rpcinfo for a Host Using TCP ──rpcinfo──┬─────────────┬── ─t host prognum──┬─────────┬─ └─ ─n portnum─┘ └─versnum─┘ rpcinfo for a Broadcast to Hosts Using UDP ──rpcinfo──┬─────┬──prognum versnum─────────────────────── └─ ─b─┘ ═══ Portmapper ═══ Portmapper is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ═══ -p host ═══ Queries the Portmapper about the specified host and prints a list of all registered RPC programs. If the host is not specified, the system defaults to the local host name. ═══ -n portnum ═══ Specifies the port number to be used for the -t and -u parameters. This value replaces the port number that is given by the Portmapper. ═══ -u host prognum versnum ═══ Sends an RPC call to procedure 0 of prognum and versnum on the specified host using UDP and reports whether a response is received. ═══ -t host prognum versnum ═══ Sends an RPC call to procedure 0 of prognum and versnum on the specified host using TCP and reports whether a response is received. ═══ -b prognum versnum ═══ Sends an RPC broadcast to procedure 0 of the specified prognum and versnum using UDP and reports all hosts that respond. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 55. rsh Command ═══ The rsh command issues the specified command at the remote host. ┌─ ─l user environment variable─┐ ──rsh──host──┼───────────────────────────────┼───────────────── └─ ─l loginname─────────────────┘ ┌─ ─u value of ─l argument─┐ ──┼──────────────────────────┼──┬──────┬──┬──────┬──┬──────┬──── └─ ─u local login name─────┘ └─ ─n ─┘ └─ ─b ─┘ └─ ─i ─┘ ──┬──────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────── └─ command─┘ ═══ host ═══ Specifies the remote host on which the command is to be issued. ═══ -l loginname ═══ Specifies the user ID on the remote host. If you do not specify this parameter, the value of the USER environment variable is used. ═══ -n ═══ Ignores any keyboard input during the issuing of commands. This is helpful for some noninteractive commands, especially when they are run from batch files. It blocks input from the keyboard. ═══ command ═══ Specifies the command to be issued on the remote host. The command must conform to the syntax used by the remote host. ═══ -u local login name ═══ Specifies the user ID on the local host. If you omit this value, the value of the -l argument is used by default. For example, to use RSH with a VM remote host, you would use -l for the VM password and -u for the VM user ID. ═══ -b ═══ Transfers data to and from the remote host using binary mode. If you do not use this switch, RSH transfers the data using the ascii mode. ═══ -i ═══ Uses interactive mode for input. RSH reads input directly from the keyboard instead of from standard input (stdin). ═══ 56. rshd Command ═══ The rshd command starts the RSH server on the local host. The rshd command starts the RSHD.EXE program and runs as a task until you shut down the server. ──rshd──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 57. sendmail ═══ The sendmail command sends mail without using LAMAIL. ──sendmail── -af filename────────────────────────────────────── ──┬─ ─f user@localhost user@remotehost─┬─────────────────────── └─ ─t────────────────────────────────┘ Note: OS/2 is not a multiuser operating system. The user field of an address in an item of mail sent to an OS/2 system is not significant; however, it is required. The significant part of the address is the host name, with the domain name expansion if domain names are used. ═══ -af filename ═══ Specifies the name of the file that contains the mail message ═══ -f user@localhost ═══ Identifies the user and host name of the sender ═══ user@remotehost ═══ Identifies the user and host name of the receiver (or destination) ═══ -t ═══ Specifies that SENDMAIL retrieves the to and from information for the mail from the body of the file rather than from the command line ═══ 58. sendmail Server Command ═══ The server sendmail command starts the SENDMAIL server which listens for and receives mail from the LAN and sends queued mail on the LAN. ──sendmail── ─bd── ─qtime──┬─ ─d────┬───────────────────── └─ ─d1.1─┘ ═══ -bd ═══ Starts SENDMAIL as a server. ═══ -qtime ═══ Specifies how often the mail queue can be processed. Enter the time as a number and a letter, where the letter is one of the following: s for seconds m for minutes h for hours d for days w for weeks For example: -q30m specifies every 30 minutes -q1h30m specifies every hour and 30 minutes ═══ -d ═══ Writes detailed debugging information to the SENDMAIL console, and creates a SENDMAIL.LOG file that contains the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) transactions between the SENDMAIL server and the remote SMTP server. The SENDMAIL.LOG file is placed in the ETC directory. For example, to start the SENDMAIL server with detailed debug information, use: [C:\]sendmail -bd -q30m -d ═══ -d1.1 ═══ Creates only the SENDMAIL.LOG file. ═══ 59. settcppf Command ═══ On a Telnet server workstation, use the settcppf command to set the Telnet authentication option in the TCP/IP profile (TCPIP.INI) to optional (1) or required (2). ──settcppf──┬─ ─Telnet ─┬─0─┬──┬────────────────────────────── │ ├─1─┤ │ │ └─2─┘ │ └─ ─display────────┘ ═══ -Telnet ═══ Specifies 0 Sets authentication off. 1 Sets authentication to optional. The server will attempt to authenticate the user, but will complete the login even if the authentication fails. 2 Sets authentication to mandatory. The server will attempt to authenticate the user, and will complete the login only if the authentication is successful. ═══ -display ═══ Displays the authentication status at the workstation ═══ 60. setterm Command ═══ The setterm command configures the features of your Telnet application. ──setterm──┬──────┬──┬───────────┬──────────────────────────── └─ ─fs─┘ └─ ─f cfile─┘ Displaying setterm Help ──setterm── ─?──────────────────────────────────────────────── Specifying the setterm command without any parameters creates or modifies the TELNET.CFG in the ETC subdirectory. ═══ -fs ═══ Instructs SetTerm to start running in full-screen mode. If OS/2 is currently in Window mode, then SetTerm switches to full-screen mode before it starts up. ═══ -f cfile ═══ Instructs SetTerm to access an alternate configuration file (cfile) rather than the default (TELNET.CFG) for the SetTerm definitions and displays a menu to allow changes the configuration. To have Telnet access the values in the alternate configuration file, issue the telnet command with the -f config_file parameter. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 61. showattr Command ═══ The showattr command displays a list of the file attributes associated with the MVS NFS Server. ──showattr──┬─────┬──hostname──┬────────┬───────────────────── └─ ─t─┘ └─drive:─┘ ═══ -t ═══ Specifies that the output is tersed. ═══ hostname ═══ Specifies the name of the MVS host. ═══ drive: ═══ Specifies the drive letter to which the mounted file system is attached. ═══ 62. showexp Command ═══ The showexp command displays a list of exported file systems for a specific host running an NFS server. ──showexp──host─────────────────────────────────────────── Displaying showexp Help ──showexp── -?──────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host name of an NFS server. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 63. showmoun Command ═══ The showmoun command displays a list of all the clients that remotely mounted a file system from a specified host. The command also displays a list of drives and directories that were remotely mounted by clients. ┌─current_host─┐ ──showmoun──┼──────────────┼────────────────────────────── └─host_name────┘ ═══ host_name ═══ Specifies the host name of the NFS server that is to be used as a remote resource. The default is the current host. ═══ 64. slcfg Command ═══ The slcfg command is used to test parsing of the SLIP.CFG file. ──slcfg──slip.cfg──┬────┬───────────────────────────────────── └─ ─d┘ ═══ -d ═══ Enables debugging mode ═══ 65. slip Command ═══ The slip command is used to start the main slip driver. Warning: A debug option can produce large amounts of output and can slow performance. You may want to redirect the debugging output to a file. ──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─d─┘ └─ ─t─┘ ═══ -d ═══ Enables debugging output ═══ -t ═══ Specifies that the SLIP command start tracing packets. The -t option starts SLIP tracing all packets received from and sent to the modem. The data is written to SLIPTRC.DMP in the directory from which SLIP was started. To stop the trace, press the Ctrl-c or Ctrl-Break keys. Because SLIP will record all traffic sent and received, the SLIPTRC.DMP file can grow quite large. There is no error checking to see if there is enough hard disk space available to continue recording the information. You should use this trace option in a limited fashion so that it does not impact the performance of the workstation where it is being run. ═══ 66. slipterm Command ═══ The slipterm command enables interactive communication with a modem. ──slipterm──┬────────────┬──┬────┬──────────────────────────── └─ ─w─┬────┬─┘ └─ ─d┘ └─nn─┘ ═══ -w ═══ Invokes the SLIPWAIT utility. ═══ -d ═══ Enables debugging mode. ═══ nn ═══ Specifies the number of seconds to wait (the default is 30). ═══ 67. snmp Command ═══ The snmp command starts the simple network management protocol (SNMP), which is used by network elements (for example, hosts and bridges) to exchange information about network management. ──snmp──┬─────┬──┬─get──┬──host──community_name──────────────── └─ ─d─┘ └─next─┘ ┌──────────────┐  │ ────mib_variable─┴───────────────────────────────────────────── Displaying snmp Help ──snmp──?───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -d ═══ Specifies tracing of SNMP requests and responses. If you want tracing, this must be the first parameter you specify. ═══ get ═══ Specifies that the client should obtain a specific management information base (MIB) variable. ═══ next ═══ Specifies that the client should obtain the next MIB variable after the current one. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the destination host to which you want to send a request. This can be either an internet protocol address or a host name. ═══ community_name ═══ Specifies the community name of the SNMP agent on the destination. ═══ mib_variable ═══ Specifies the MIB object, using its object descriptor (textual name), object identifier using ASN.1 notation, or a combination of the two. You can specify more than one mib_variable on the command line. For example, snmp next melvin ok sysdescr ifdescr.1 ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 68. snmpd Command ═══ The snmpd command starts the SNMP agent. The snmpd command runs as a task until you shut down the server. ┌─ ─t 5───────┐ ──snmpd──┬──────────────────────────┬──┼─────────────┼──────── │ ┌──────────────────────┐ │ └─ ─t seconds─┘ │  ┌─255─────────┐ │ │ └─── ─d──┼─────────────┼─┴─┘ └─debug_level─┘ ═══ -d ═══ Starts debugging. ═══ debug_level ═══ Specifies the debug level. The following values are recognized: 1 Reserved 2 Trace DPI internals 4 Trace DPI packets 8 Trace SNMPD internals 16 Trace SNMPD externals 32 Trace SNMP requests 64 Trace SNMP replies and traps 128 Reserved 255 Everything The default is 255. ═══ -t seconds ═══ Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the SNMPD agent waits for a reply from an SNMP DPI subagent. The default is 5. ═══ 69. snmpgrp Command ═══ The snmpgrp command retrieves management information about the network from the management information base (MIB). This information is retrieved using the name of a group of related MIB variables or the name of a specific table of MIB variables. ─snmpgrp─host─community_name──┬─────┬┬───────┬┬────────┬┬────┬─ └─sys─┘└─iftab─┘└─arptab─┘└─ip─┘ ──┬────────┬──┬─────────┬──┬──────────┬──┬──────┬─────────── └─ipaddr─┘ └─iproute─┘ └─mediatab─┘ └─icmp─┘ ──┬─────┬──┬────────┬──┬─────┬──┬────────┬───────────────── └─tcp─┘ └─tcptab─┘ └─udp─┘ └─udptab─┘ Displaying snmpgrp Help ──snmpgrp──?────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host to which you want to send a request. You can specify either an internet protocol address or a host name. ═══ community_name ═══ Specifies the community name of the simple network management protocol agent on the destination host. ═══ sys ═══ Specifies the System group of MIB variables. ═══ iftab ═══ Specifies the Interface table in the interfaces group. ═══ arptab ═══ Specifies the AT table in the address translation group. ═══ ip ═══ Specifies the scalar MIB variables in the IP group. ═══ ipaddr ═══ Specifies the IP address table in the IP group. ═══ iproute ═══ Specifies the IP routing table in the IP group. ═══ mediatab ═══ Specifies the IP address translation table in the IP group. ═══ icmp ═══ Specifies the ICMP group of MIB variables. ═══ tcp ═══ Specifies the scalar MIB variables in the TCP group. ═══ tcptab ═══ Specifies the TCP connection table in the TCP group. ═══ udp ═══ Specifies the scalar MIB variables in the UDP group. ═══ udptab ═══ Specifies the UDP listener table in the UDP group. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 70. snmptrap Command ═══ The snmptrap command receives and displays unsolicited notification of network events (TRAPs) from simple network management protocol agents. ──snmptrap──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 71. talk Command ═══ The talk command is an interactive command that allows users on the network to send and receive electronic messages. The talk command is useful for short messages that do not need verified responses. ──talk──user@host──┬─────────┬────────────────── └─ttyname─┘ Displaying talk Help ──talk── -?─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ user ═══ Specifies the name of the user to receive the message on the remote host. For an OS/2 destination, the user name is os2user. For other destinations that support talk, the user is the user name of the person with whom you are attempting to communicate. ═══ @host ═══ Specifies the host name of the remote host. ═══ ttyname ═══ A term that is assigned to users at logon. The terminal identifier, available for display, is unique for each logon session. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 72. talkd Command ═══ The talkd command starts the TALK server and must be running on both the local and remote hosts to exchange TALK messages. The talkd command starts the TALKD.EXE program and runs as a task until you shut down the server. ──talkd─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 73. tcpdsktp Command ═══ The tcpdsktp command places the icons for the TCP/IP functions you installed on the OS/2 desktop. If the icons do not appear on the desktop, or if some or all of them have been removed, you can restore them to the desktop using this command. The tcpdsktp command creates the following icons:  The TCP/IP folder on the OS/2 desktop  The TCP/IP icons inside of the TCP/IP folder  The TCPSTART icon inside the Autostart folder  The FTP, Telnet, and 3270 Telnet icons inside the Templates folder The tcpdsktp command may create additional icons, depending on which TCP/IP components you installed. ──tcpdsktp──┬──────┬────────────────────────────────────────── └─/sf─ ┘ ═══ /sf- ═══ Specifies that TCPSTART will be added to the STARTUP.CMD file. If you omit /sf-, TCPSTART is added to the Startup folder, and removed from the STARTUP.CMD file (if it is there). ═══ 74. tcphelp Command ═══ The tcphelp command opens the online TCP/IP for OS/2 Command Reference. ──tcphelp──┬──────────────┬─────────────────────────────────── └─command_name─┘ ═══ command_name ═══ Specifies the name of the command you want to view. ═══ 75. tcpipcfg Command ═══ The tcpipcfg command opens the TCP/IP configuration notebook. With the configuration notebook, you can configure your TCP/IP network connections and customize your TCP/IP applications according to your preferences. ──tcpipcfg──────────────────────────────────────────────────── h1 res=201340 id=qrgtel global group=1.telnet Command The telnet command logs you on to a remote host, emulating one of the following terminal types:  VT220[**]  VT100[**]  ANSI  NVT (network virtual terminal) If you do not specify a host on the telnet command, you enter the Telnet command shell. In the command shell, you can establish the operating environment and designate the host and port to which you want to connect. ──telnet──┬───────────────┬──┬──────────────┬────────────────── └─ ─d filename──┘ └─ ─l filename─┘ ┌─ ─c TCPCODEP─┐ ──┬────────────────┬──┼──────────────┼──┬───────────────┬─────── └─ ─f configfile─┘ └─ ─c codepage─┘ └─ ─u underline─┘ ──┬──────────────┬──┬──────────────────┬──┬────────────┬──────── └─ ─k keyboard─┘ └─ ─o printer_port─┘ └─ ─h height─┘ ┌─;────────────────┐  │ ──┬───────────┬─┬─────────────────┬┴──┬──────────┬───────────── └─ ─w width─┘ └─ ─e environment─┘ └─ ─p port─┘ ───┬──────────────┬─┬──────────┬───────────────────────────── └─ ─t termtype─┘ └─hostname─┘ Subcommands ═══ VT220 ═══ VT220 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation. ═══ VT100 ═══ VT100 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation ═══ -d filename ═══ Sets debugging on and specifies the fully-qualified file name to be used during debugging. This parameter is useful when diagnosing problems. ═══ -l filename ═══ Sets logging on and specifies the fully-qualified file name to be used during logging. When logging is on and you specify a logfile, a log is kept of the Telnet session. ═══ -f configfile ═══ Specifies the name of a configuration file in the TCPIP\ETC subdirectory to use for establishing a customized keyboard mapping. Specify the configfile with the file name only; do not specify the path or extension. Users who need to remap the keyboard can create this file using the setterm command. You can create or change the configfile by using the setterm command. ═══ -c codepage ═══ Specifies the ASCII codepage used by the remote host. The default is TCPCODEP, which uses the DEC[**] Multinational codepage. Other possible pages are TCP8859 for ISO 8859 codepage, or NONE for PC codepage 850. ═══ -u underline ═══ Specifies the screen attribute for the underscore character. This value is used only with VT100 and VT220 terminal types, and only when the Telnet program is run in a window. Valid values are: 1 Blue 2 Green (the default) 3 Cyan 4 Red 5 Magenta 6 Yellow 7 Gray ═══ -k keyboard ═══ Specifies emulation of a VT220 national keyboard. Valid values are: 1 North American (the default) 2 British 3 Flemish 4 French Canadian 5 Danish 6 Finnish 7 German 8 Dutch 9 Italian 10 Swiss (French) 11 Swiss (German) 12 Swedish 13 Norwegian 14 French/Belgian 15 Spanish ═══ -o printer_port ═══ Specifies a supported local printer port name. The supported printer port names are PRN, LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. PRN is the default printer port name. ═══ -h height ═══ Specifies the number of rows displayed on the host screen. The valid values are 24, 25, 43, and 50. ═══ -w width ═══ Specifies the number of columns displayed on the host screen. For VGA or BGA screens, the valid value is 80. An additional valid value for XGA or SVGA screens is 132 under full screen mode. Telnet attempts to negotiate the specified width and height with the host. If the parameters are not accepted by the host, Telnet will use the default screen size which is 24 x 80 for VT100 and VT220 and 25 x 80 for ANSI and NVT. ═══ -e environment ═══ Specifies a list of environment variables and values to be exported to the host. Specify the environment string using the following format: name=value;name=value;name=value ... Do not put any spaces between the entries. ═══ -p port ═══ Specifies a port number (the address of an application) or a name. If a port is not specified, the default Telnet port is used. Port names are mapped to port numbers by a services file. ═══ -t termtype ═══ Specifies a terminal type to emulate in communicating with the remote host. Telnet supports:  VT220  VT100  ANSI  NVT If you do not specify a terminal type, Telnet will try to do terminal type negotiation with the remote host. The terminal negotiation order is shown above. ═══ hostname ═══ Specifies the name, alias, or internet address of a remote host. ═══ port ═══ Specifies a port number (the address of an application) or a name. If a port is not specified, the default Telnet port is used. Port names are mapped to port numbers by the services file. ═══ Telnet Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the telnet command shell. ┌──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐ │close │display │emulate │environ │ ├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │help │open │quit │send │ ├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │set │status │toggle │? │ └──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘ ═══ close Subcommand ═══ The close subcommand disconnects you from the current Telnet server with which you are connected. ──close───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ display Subcommand ═══ The display subcommand displays the current settings for all the set and toggle parameters. ──display───────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ emulate Subcommand ═══ The emulate subcommand allows you to specify the type of emulator you will use before you open the session. ──emulate──termtype─────────────────────────────────────────── Displaying emulate help ──?──emulate────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ termtype ═══ The following terminal types are supported:  VT220  VT100  ANSI  NVT If you do not specify a terminal type, Telnet will try to do terminal type negotiation with the remote host. The terminal type negotiation order is shown above. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the emulate subcommand. ═══ environ Subcommand ═══ The environ subcommand designates the environment variables sent to the server. The initial set of environment variables is taken from your environment. ──environ──┬─define option value─┬──────────────────────────── ├─name=value──────────┤ ├─undefine options────┤ ├─export options──────┤ ├─unexport option─────┤ └─list────────────────┘ Displaying environ help ──environ──?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the environ subcommand. ═══ define option value ═══ Defines the variable option to have a specific value. Any variables defined by this subcommand are automatically exported. The value can be enclosed in single or double quotes so that tabs and spaces can be included. ═══ name=value ═══ Attempts to export an environment setting to the remote host. Not all hosts support this function. ═══ undefine options ═══ Removes the options specified from the list of environment variables. ═══ export options ═══ Marks the options that are to be exported to the remote host. ═══ unexport option ═══ Marks the option that is not to be exported unless explicitly requested by the remote host. ═══ list ═══ Lists the current set of environment variables. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are sent automatically. The other variables in the list are sent only if explicitly requested. ═══ help Subcommand ═══ The help subcommand displays help information for theTelnet command shell. Using the help subcommand is the same as issuing the ? subcommand. ──help──┬────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies the subcommand for which you are requesting help. ═══ open Subcommand ═══ The open subcommand establishes a connection between your workstation and a remote host. ──open──┬─────────┬──┬──────┬────────────────────────────── └──p port─┘ └─host─┘ ═══ -p port ═══ Specifies the destination port to which you are connecting. If you do not specify a port, you are connected to the well-known Telnet port. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host name or an internet address in dotted decimal notation. If you do not specify this value, Telnet will prompt you for it. ═══ quit Subcommand ═══ The quit subcommand ends the terminal emulation session, disconnects any connected host and exits the Telnet command shell. ──quit──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ send Subcommand ═══ The send subcommand transmits special characters to the Telnet server. ──send──┬─ao────────┬───────────────────────────────────── ├─ayt───────┤ ├─brk───────┤ ├─interrupt─┤ └─synch─────┘ Displaying send Help ───?──send──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the send subcommand. ═══ ao ═══ Sends the Telnet ao (abort output) sequence, which causes the remote system to move all output from the remote system to the user's workstation. ═══ ayt ═══ Sends the Telnet ayt (are you there) sequence, to which the remote system can respond. ═══ brk ═══ Sends the Telnet brk (break) sequence, which can have significance to the remote system. ═══ interrupt ═══ Sends the Telnet abort (end processes) sequence. ═══ synch ═══ Sends the Telnet synch sequence. This sequence causes the remote system to discard all previously typed (but not yet read) input. This sequence is sent as TCP urgent data and might not work if the remote system is a 4.2 BSD system. If it does not work, a lowercase r might be echoed on your workstation. ═══ set Subcommand ═══ The set subcommand defines the keystrokes that translate into send instructions or sets the value to true. For example, if you set interrupt to the value ^I (Control I), then issue Ctrl + I, the client sends a Telnet interrupt to the server. The value of off turns off the function associated with the variable. Note: localchars must be toggled on for the translation to work. If localchars is not toggled on, the client passes the keystrokes to the server unchanged. ──set──┬─erase───────┬────value────────────────────────── ├─escape──────┤ ├─flushoutput─┤ ├─interrupt───┤ ├─kill────────┤ └─quit────────┘ Displaying set Help ──set──?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ emulate ═══ Specifies a supported emulator to be used for the host connection. ═══ erase ═══ Erases a character (sends ec). ═══ escape ═══ Defines the current escape character. ═══ flushoutput ═══ Sends a Telnet ao (abort output) sequence to the remote host, if Telnet is in localchars mode. ═══ interrupt ═══ Interrupts a character (sends ip). ═══ kill ═══ Erases a line (sends el). ═══ quit ═══ Sets a break character (sends brk). ═══ reprint ═══ Specifies the character to be taken as the terminal's reprint character. ═══ rlogin ═══ Specifies the rlogin escape character. If set, the Telnet escape character is ignored unless it is preceded by this character. This character, followed by a period (.) at the beginning of the line, closes the connection. When followed by a ^Z, it suspends the telnet command. The initial setting is to have the rlogin escape character disabled. ═══ susp ═══ Sends a Telnet susp (suspend process) sequence to the remote host if Telnet is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is enabled, and the suspend character is typed. ═══ tracefile ═══ Specifies the file to which the output, caused by netdata, termdata, or option tracing being true, is written. If you do not specify this key sequence, the start sequence is - and tracing information is written to standard output. ═══ value ═══ Specifies the key sequence to use for the Telnet instruction. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the set subcommand. ═══ status Subcommand ═══ The status subcommand displays the current status of the Telnet connection or operating mode. ──status────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ toggle Subcommand ═══ The toggle subcommand toggles the operating parameters. ──toggle────┬─autoflush──┬──────────────────────────────────── ├─bs─────────┤ ├─crlf───────┤ ├─crmod──────┤ ├─debug──────┤ ├─localchars─┤ ├─log────────┤ └─wrap───────┘ Displaying toggle Help ──toggle──?─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ autoflush ═══ If autoflush and localchars are both true, when the ao (abort output) or quit characters are recognized and transformed into Telnet sequences, Telnet will not display any data on the user's workstation until the remote system acknowledges that it has processed those Telnet sequences. The initial setting is true. ═══ bs ═══ Toggles the sending of the backspace key value as an ASCII delete character (X'7F) or as a backspace character (X'08'). The initial setting sends the backspace key as a backspace character. ═══ crlf ═══ If this is true, carriage returns (CR) are sent as carriage return line feed (CRLF). If this is false, carriage returns are sent as carriage return null (CRNUL). The initial setting is false. ═══ crmod ═══ Toggles carriage return mode. When this mode is enabled, carriage return characters received from the remote host are mapped into a carriage return followed by a line feed. This mode affects only those characters received from the remote host. Use this mode when the remote host sends only carriage return, never line feed. The initial setting is false. ═══ debug ═══ Toggles the recording of session debugging information. If you did not specify a debug filename when you started Telnet, you will be prompted to specify one. ═══ localchars ═══ If this is true, the flush, interrupt, quit, erase, and kill characters are recognized locally and transformed into appropriate Telnet control sequences. ═══ log ═══ Toggles the recording of logging information. If you did not specify a logging filename when you started Telnet, you will be prompted to specify one. ═══ wrap ═══ Toggles wrap on and off. The initial setting is on. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the toggle subcommand. ═══ ? Subcommand ═══ The ? subcommand displays help information for theTelnet command shell. Using the ? subcommand is the same as issuing the help subcommand. ──?──┬────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies the subcommand for which you are requesting help. ═══ 76. telnetd Command ═══ The telnetd command starts the Telnet server on your local host. The telnetd command starts the TELNETD.EXE program and runs as a task until you shut down the server. ──telnetd──┬──────────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬───────────── └─ ─p port─┘ └─ ─b─┘ └─ ─d─┘ └─ ─l─┘ ┌─ ─e 50──────────┐ ┌─ ─u telnet_password─┐ ──┼─────────────────┼──┼─────────────────────┼────────────────── └─ ─e escapedelay─┘ └─ ─u password────────┘ ──┬────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─c ─┘ ═══ -p port ═══ Specifies the port that Telnetd is to use. If no port is specified,Telnetd uses the well-known Telnet port. ═══ -b ═══ Specifies that the copyright information is to be printed. ═══ -d ═══ Specifies that debugging is to take place and error messages displayed. ═══ -l ═══ Specifies that a log of the Telnetd messages is created. ═══ -e escapedelay ═══ Specifies the time delay for an escape from a Telnet session. The default is 50. ═══ -u password ═══ Specifies your password on the remote host. The default is the Telnet password set in the environment variables. If this parameter is not specified and the password is not set in the environment variables, you will receive an error message. ═══ -c ═══ Specifies the ASCII codepage used by the remote host. If you do not specify a codepage, the data is sent untranslated. The possible values are: TCPDECMU for the DEC Multinational codepage TCP8859 for ISO 8859 codepage NONE for PC codepage 850 ═══ 77. telneto Command ═══ The telneto command logs you on to a remote host using VT220 terminal emulation. Note: Use this command if you need the Telnet linemode option. The linemode option edits a full line of input and sends it to the remote host. Use this option to improve response time and performance. TelnetPM simulates linemode, providing an equivalent function. If a host is not specified on the telneto command, you enter the Telnet command shell. In the Telnet command shell, you can establish the operating environment and designate the host and port to which you want to connect. ──telneto──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬───────── └─ ─8─┘ └─ ─E─┘ └─ ─L─┘ └─ ─c─┘ └─ ─d─┘ ┌─ ─u 1─────┐ ─┬────────────────┬─┬──────────────┬─┬─────┬┼───────────┼┬─────┬ └ ─e escape_char─┘ └ ─n tracefile─┘ └─ ─r─┘└─ ─u attrib┘└─ ─N─┘ ──┬────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────── └─host──┬──────┬─┘ └─port─┘ Subcommands ═══ -8 ═══ Specifies an 8-bit data path. This causes an attempt to negotiate the binary option on both input and output. ═══ -E ═══ Prevents any character from being recognized as an escape character. ═══ -L ═══ Specifies an 8-bit data path on output. This causes the binary option to be negotiated on output. ═══ -c ═══ Disables the reading of the user's TELNET.RC file. ═══ -d ═══ Sets the initial value of the debugging toggle to on. ═══ -e escape_char ═══ Sets the initial Telnet escape character to escape_char. If this parameter is not specified, the default is ^]. ═══ -n tracefile ═══ Opens the trace file for recording trace information. ═══ -r ═══ Specifies a user interface similar to rlogin. In this mode, the escape character is set to the tilde (~), unless modified by the -e parameter. When in rlogin mode, a line of the form tilde (~".") disconnects you from the remote host. This is similar to the line ~^Z, which also suspends the Telnet session. ═══ -u attrib ═══ Replaces the default highlighting for data that is displayed with the underscore attribute on. The default is 1, which displays the data dark blue on a color screen and underlined on a monochrome screen. Valid values for attrib are 1-7. ═══ -N ═══ Ignores the 8th bit of data when in VT220 7-bit mode. Unless you specify -N, this bit is honored when interpreted as a VT220 data stream. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the name, alias, or internet address of a remote host. ═══ port ═══ Specifies a port number (the address of an application) or a name. If a number is not specified, the default Telnet port is used. Port names are mapped to port numbers by the services file. When a port number is specified, telneto does not send out any initial Telnet option negotiation. If the port number or name is preceded by a minus sign, the initial Telnet option negotiation is sent. ═══ Telneto Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the telneto command shell. ┌──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐ │! │close │display │environ │ ├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │help │logout │mode │open │ ├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │quit │send │set │slc │ ├──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │status │toggle │unset │? │ └──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘ ═══ ! Subcommand ═══ The ! subcommand enters the OS/2 command processor while keeping the Telneto command shell in resident memory. This subcommand can also invoke the OS/2 command shell to issue a single command and immediately return to Telneto. If you enter the ! subcommand without parameters, you will enter an OS/2 command shell. To return to the Telnet command shell from the OS/2 command shell, type EXIT ──!──┬─────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────── └─command──┬────────────┬─┘ └─parameters─┘ ═══ command ═══ Specifies the OS/2 command that you want to issue. ═══ parameters ═══ Specifies any parameters that are required by the OS/2 command. ═══ close Subcommand ═══ The close subcommand disconnects you from the current Telnet server with which you are connected. Using the close subcommand is the same as issuing the logout subcommand. ──close───────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ display Subcommand ═══ The display subcommand displays the current settings for the operating parameters. ┌────────────┐  │ ──display───┬──────────┬┴───────────────────────────────────── └─argument─┘ ═══ argument ═══ Enables you to specify any of the set and toggle parameters. If you do not specify a value, Telneto displays all the values that you can specify. ═══ environ Subcommand ═══ The environ subcommand designates the environment variables sent to the server. The initial set of environment variable is taken from your environment. ──environ──┬─define option value─┬──────────────────────────── ├─undefine options────┤ ├─export options──────┤ ├─unexport option─────┤ ├─send────────────────┤ └─list────────────────┘ Displaying environ Help ──environ──?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the environ subcommand. ═══ define option value ═══ Defines the variable option to have a specific value. Any variables defined by this subcommand are automatically exported. The value can be enclosed in single or double quotes so that tabs and spaces can be included. ═══ undefine options ═══ Removes the options specified from the list of environment variables. ═══ export options ═══ Marks the options that are to be exported to the remote host. ═══ unexport option ═══ Marks the option that is not to be exported unless explicitly asked for by the remote host. ═══ send ═══ Sends an environment variable. ═══ list ═══ Lists the current set of environment variables. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are sent automatically. The other variables in the list are sent only if explicitly requested. ═══ help Subcommand ═══ The help subcommand displays help information for the Telneto command shell. Using the help subcommand is the same as issuing the ? subcommand. ──help──┬────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ Specifies the subcommand for which you are requesting help. ═══ logout Subcommand ═══ The logout subcommand disconnects you from the current Telnet server to which you are connected. Using the logout subcommand is the same as issuing the close subcommand. ──logout────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ mode Subcommand ═══ The mode subcommand changes the mode type of the remote host. ──mode──┬─?─────────┬───────────────────────────────────── ├─character─┤ ├─line──────┤ ├─isig──────┤ ├─ ─isig────┤ ├─edit──────┤ ├─ ─edit────┤ ├─softtabs──┤ ├─ ─softtabs┤ ├─litecho───┤ └─ ─litecho─┘ ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the mode subcommand. ═══ character ═══ Disables the Telnet LINEMODE option. If the remote host does not understand the LINEMODE option, enter the character-at-a-time mode. ═══ line ═══ Enables the Telnet LINEMODE option. ═══ isig ═══ Enables the TRAPSIG mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ -isig ═══ Disables the TRAPSIG mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ edit ═══ Enables the EDIT mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ -edit ═══ Disables the EDIT mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ softtabs ═══ Enables the SOFT_TAB mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ -softtabs ═══ Disables the SOFT_TAB mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ litecho ═══ Enables the LIT_ECHO mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ -litecho ═══ Disables the LIT_ECHO mode of the LINEMODE option. ═══ open Subcommand ═══ The open subcommand establishes a connection between your workstation and a remote host. ──open──┬────────────────────┬─────────────────────────── └─host────┬────────┬─┘ ├─ ─port─┤ └─port───┘ ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host name or an internet address in dotted decimal notation. If you do not specify this value, Telneto will prompt you for it. ═══ -port ═══ Specifies that, when the port number is preceded by the minus sign, the initial option negotiation is done. ═══ port ═══ Specifies the destination port to which you are connecting. If you do not specify a port, you are connected to the well-known Telnet port. ═══ quit Subcommand ═══ The quit subcommand ends the terminal emulation session, disconnects any connected host, and exits the Telneto command shell. ──quit──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ send Subcommand ═══ The send subcommand transmits special characters to the Telnet server. ──send──┬─abort─────┬───────────────────────────────────── ├─ao────────┤ ├─ayt───────┤ ├─brk───────┤ ├─ec────────┤ ├─el────────┤ ├─eof───────┤ ├─eor───────┤ ├─escape────┤ ├─ga────────┤ ├─getstatus─┤ ├─ip────────┤ ├─nop───────┤ ├─susp──────┤ └─synch─────┘ Displaying send Help ──send── ?──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the send subcommand. ═══ abort ═══ Sends the Telnet abort (end processes) sequence. ═══ ao ═══ Sends the Telnet ao (abort output) sequence, which causes the remote system to move all output from the remote system to the user's workstation. ═══ ayt ═══ Sends the Telnet ayt (are you there) sequence, to which the remote system can respond. ═══ brk ═══ Sends the Telnet brk (break) sequence, which can have significance to the remote system. ═══ ec ═══ Sends the Telent ec (erase character) sequence, which causes the remote system to erase the last character entered. ═══ el ═══ Sends the Telnet el (erase line) sequence, which causes the remote system to erase the line currently being entered. ═══ eof ═══ Sends the Telnet eof (end of file) sequence. ═══ eor ═══ Sends the Telent eor (end of record) sequence. ═══ escape ═══ Sends the current Telnet escape character. The initial setting of the escape character is the caret (^). ═══ ga ═══ Sends the Telnet ga (go ahead) sequence. ═══ getstatus ═══ Sends the subnegotiation to request that the server send its current option status if the remote host supports the Telneto status subcommand. ═══ ip ═══ Sends theTelnet ip (interrupt process) sequence, which causes the remote system to end the current process abnormally. ═══ nop ═══ Sends the Telnet nop (no operation) sequence. ═══ susp ═══ Sends the Telnet susp (suspend process) sequence. ═══ synch ═══ Sends the Telnet synch sequence. This sequence causes the remote system to discard all previously typed (but not yet read) input. This sequence is sent as TCP urgent data and might not work if the remote system is a 4.2 BSD system. If it does not work, a lowercase r might be echoed on your workstation. ═══ set Subcommand ═══ The set command defines the keystrokes that translate into send instructions or sets the value to true. For example, if you set interrupt to the value ^I (Control I), then issue Ctrl + I, the client sends a Telnet interrupt to the server. The value of off turns off the function associated with the variable and is the equivalent to using the unset subcommand. Note: localchars must be toggled on for the translation to work. If localchars is not toggled on, the client passes the keystrokes to the server unchanged. ──set──┬─autoflush─────────┬────────────────────────────────── ├─autosynch─────────┤ ├─ayt value─────────┤ ├─binary────────────┤ ├─bs────────────────┤ ├─crlf──────────────┤ ├─crmod─────────────┤ ├─debug─────────────┤ ├─ebol value────────┤ ├─echo value────────┤ ├─ecr value─────────┤ ├─eeol value────────┤ ├─eof value─────────┤ ├─erase value───────┤ ├─escape value──────┤ ├─ewr value─────────┤ ├─ewl value─────────┤ ├─flushoutput value─┤ ├─forw1 value───────┤ ├─forw2 value───────┤ ├─inbinary──────────┤ ├─insrt value───────┤ ├─interrupt value───┤ ├─kill value────────┤ ├─lnext value───────┤ ├─localchars────────┤ ├─mcbol value───────┤ ├─mceol value───────┤ ├─mcl value─────────┤ ├─mcr value─────────┤ ├─mcwl value────────┤ ├─mcwr value────────┤ ├─netdata───────────┤ ├─options───────────┤ ├─outbinary─────────┤ ├─over value────────┤ ├─prettydump────────┤ ├─quit value────────┤ ├─reprint value─────┤ ├─rlogin value──────┤ ├─skiprc────────────┤ ├─start value───────┤ ├─stop value────────┤ ├─susp value────────┤ ├─tracefile value───┤ └─worderase value───┘ Displaying set Help ──set──?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ autoflush ═══ Specifies that deleting of output occurs when sending interrupt characters. ═══ autosynch ═══ Specifies automatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent mode. ═══ ayt ═══ Sets the key sequence to send a Telnet ayt. ═══ binary ═══ Specifies that the sending and receiving of data is binary. ═══ bs ═══ Changes the backspace key from an ASCII backspace to an ASCII delete. ═══ crlf ═══ Specifies that carriage returns are sent as Telnet . ═══ crmod ═══ Starts the mapping of received carriage returns. ═══ debug ═══ Starts debugging in Telneto. ═══ ebol ═══ Defines the erase-to-beginning-of-line character. ═══ echo ═══ Sets the key sequence to toggle between local echoing of entered characters (for normal processing) and suppressing echoing of entered characters (for example, a password) when in line mode. If you do not specify this key sequence, the echo sequence is ^E. ═══ ecr ═══ Defines the character for deleting a character to the right. ═══ eeol ═══ Defines the character for deleting to end of the line. ═══ eof ═══ Specifies the character to be sent to the remote system when it is the first character on a line. If you do not specify this key sequence, the eof sequence is ^Z. ═══ erase ═══ Sets the key sequence to cause an erase character to be sent. ═══ escape ═══ Defines the current escape character. ═══ ewr ═══ Defines the character for deleting a character to the left. ═══ ewl ═══ Defines the character for deleting a word to the left. ═══ flushoutput ═══ Sets the key sequence to send a Telnet ao (abort output) sequence to the remote host, if Telneto is in localchars mode. ═══ forw1, forw2 ═══ Sets the key sequence to forward partial lines to the remote system. ═══ inbinary ═══ Specifies that data being received is binary. ═══ insrt ═══ Defines the character for entering insert mode. ═══ interrupt ═══ Sets the key sequence to send an interrupt character (sends ip). ═══ kill ═══ Sets the key sequence to send an erase line (sends el). ═══ lnext ═══ Specifies the character to be taken as the terminal's next character. ═══ localchars ═══ Starts the local recognition of certain control characters. ═══ mcbol ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the beginning of the line. ═══ mceol ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the end of the line. ═══ mcl ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the left one character. ═══ mcr ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the right one character. ═══ mcwl ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the left one word. ═══ mcwr ═══ Defines the character for moving the cursor to the right one word. ═══ netdata ═══ Specifies that printing of hexadecimal representation of network data (debugging) will take place. ═══ options ═══ Specifies that Telneto will show options processing (debugging). ═══ outbinary ═══ Specifies that data is sent in binary. ═══ over ═══ Defines the character for entering character replace mode. ═══ prettydump ═══ Specifies that Telneto will print readable output for "netdata" (debugging). ═══ quit ═══ Defines a sequence break character (sends brk). ═══ reprint ═══ Specifies the character to be taken as the terminal's reprint character. ═══ rlogin ═══ Specifies the rlogin escape character. If set, the Telnet escape character is ignored unless it is preceded by this character. This character, followed by a period (.) at the beginning of the line, closes the connection. When followed by a ^Z, it suspends the telneto command. The initial setting is to have the rlogin escape character disabled. ═══ skiprc ═══ Specifies that Telneto should not read the TELNET.RC file. ═══ start ═══ Specifies the character to be used as the terminal's start character if the Telnet toggle-flow-control option has been enabled. If you do not specify this key sequence, the start sequence is ^S. ═══ stop ═══ Specifies the character to be used as the terminal's stop character if the Telnet toggle-flow-control option has been enabled. If you do not specify this key sequence, the stop sequence is ^Q. ═══ susp ═══ Sets the key sequence to send a Telnet susp (suspend process) sequence to the remote host if Telneto is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is enabled, and the suspend character is typed. ═══ tracefile ═══ Specifies the file to which the output, caused by netdata, termdata, or option tracing being true, is written. If you do not specify this key sequence, the start sequence is - and tracing information is written to standard output. ═══ worderase ═══ Specifies the character to be used as the terminal's word erase character. ═══ value ═══ Specifies the key sequence to use for the Telneto instruction. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the set subcommand. ═══ slc Subcommand ═══ The slc subcommand sets or changes the state of the special characters. ──slc──┬─?──────┬───────────────────────────────────────── ├─export─┤ ├─import─┤ └─check──┘ ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the slc subcommand. ═══ export ═══ Switches to the local defaults for the special characters. The local default characters are those of the local terminal at the time when Telnet is started. ═══ import ═══ Switches to the remote defaults for the special characters. The remote default characters are those of the remote system at the time when the Telnet connection is established. ═══ check ═══ Verifies the current settings for the current special characters. The remote host is asked to send all the current special character settings, and if there are any discrepancies with the local host, the local host switches to the remote value. ═══ status Subcommand ═══ The status subcommand displays the current status of the Telnet connection or operating mode. ──status────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ toggle Subcommand ═══ The toggle subcommand toggles the operating parameters. ──toggle────┬─autoflush──┬──────────────────────────────────── ├─autosynch──┤ ├─binary─────┤ ├─bs─────────┤ ├─debug──────┤ ├─inbinary───┤ ├─outbinary──┤ ├─crlf───────┤ ├─crmod──────┤ ├─localchars─┤ ├─netdata────┤ ├─options────┤ ├─prettydump─┤ └─skiprc─────┘ Displaying toggle Help ──toggle──?─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the toggle subcommand. ═══ autoflush ═══ If autoflush and localchars are both true, when the ao (abort output) or quit characters are recognized and transformed into Telnet sequences, Telneto will not display any data on the user's workstation until the remote system acknowledges that it has processed those Telnet sequences. The initial setting is true. ═══ autosynch ═══ If autosynch and localchars are both true when either the intr or quit characters are typed, the resulting Telnet sequence sent is followed by the Telnet synch sequence. This procedure causes the remote system to begin discarding all previously typed input until both of the Telnet sequences are read and acted upon. The initial setting is false. ═══ binary ═══ Enables or disables theTelnet binary option on both input and output. ═══ bs ═══ Changes the backspace key from ASCII backspace to ASCII delete. ═══ debug ═══ Enables or disables debugging. ═══ inbinary ═══ Enables or disables the Telnet binary option on input. ═══ outbinary ═══ Enables or disables the Telnet binary option on output. ═══ crlf ═══ If this is true, carriage returns (CR) are sent as carriage return line feed (CRLF). If this is false, carriage returns are sent as carriage return null (CRNUL). The initial setting is false. ═══ crmod ═══ Toggles carriage return mode. When this mode is enabled, carriage return characters received from the remote host are mapped into a carriage return followed by a line feed. This mode affects only those characters received from the remote host. Use this mode when the remote host sends only carriage return, never line feed. The initial setting is false. ═══ localchars ═══ If this is true, the flush, interrupt, quit, erase, and kill characters are recognized locally and transformed into appropriate Telnet control sequences. When the linemode option is enabled, the value of localchars is ignored and assumed to be true. If linemode has been enabled, quit is sent as ends abnormally, and eof and susp are sent as eof and susp. ═══ netdata ═══ Toggles the display of all network data in hexadecimal format. The initial setting is false. ═══ options ═══ Toggles the display of some internal Telnet protocol processing. The initial setting is false. ═══ prettydump ═══ When the netdata or termdata toggle options are on, prettydump is true. The output from the netdata and termdata options is formatted in a readable format. Spaces are put between the characters in the output, and the beginning of any Telnet escape sequence is preceded by an asterisk (*) to aid in locating it. ═══ skiprc ═══ When the skiprc toggle is false, Telneto skips the reading of the TELNET.RC file in the ETC directory when connections are opened. The initial setting is false. ═══ termdata ═══ Toggles the display of all terminal data in hexadecimal format. The initial setting is false. ═══ unset Subcommand ═══ The unset subcommand disables or sets the Telnet variables to false. ──unset──┬─autoflush───┬────────────────────────────────────── ├─autosynch───┤ ├─ayt─────────┤ ├─binary──────┤ ├─bs──────────┤ ├─crlf────────┤ ├─crmod───────┤ ├─debug───────┤ ├─ebol────────┤ ├─echo────────┤ ├─ecr─────────┤ ├─eeol────────┤ ├─eof─────────┤ ├─erase───────┤ ├─escape──────┤ ├─ewr─────────┤ ├─ewl─────────┤ ├─flushoutput─┤ ├─forw1───────┤ ├─forw2───────┤ ├─inbinary────┤ ├─insrt───────┤ ├─interrupt───┤ ├─kill────────┤ ├─lnext───────┤ ├─localchars──┤ ├─mcbol───────┤ ├─mceol───────┤ ├─mcl─────────┤ ├─mcr─────────┤ ├─mcwl────────┤ ├─mcwr────────┤ ├─netdata─────┤ ├─options─────┤ ├─outbinary───┤ ├─over────────┤ ├─prettydump──┤ ├─quit────────┤ ├─reprint─────┤ ├─rlogin──────┤ ├─skiprc──────┤ ├─start───────┤ ├─stop────────┤ ├─susp────────┤ ├─tracefile───┤ └─worderase───┘ Displaying set Help ──unset──?──────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ autoflush ═══ Specifies that no deleting of output occurs when sending interrupt characters. ═══ autosynch ═══ Specifies no automatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent mode. ═══ ayt ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to send a Telnet ayt. ═══ binary ═══ Specifies that the sending and receiving of data is no longer binary. ═══ bs ═══ Changes the backspace key from an ASCII delete to an ASCII backspace. ═══ crlf ═══ Specifies that carriage returns are sent as . ═══ crmod ═══ Ends the mapping of received carriage returns. ═══ debug ═══ Ends debugging. ═══ ebol ═══ Cancels the character defined as the erase-to-beginning-of-line character. ═══ echo ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to toggle between local echoing of entered characters (for normal processing) and suppressing echoing of entered characters (for example, a password) when in line mode. ═══ ecr ═══ Cancels the character defined for deleting a character to the right. ═══ eeol ═══ Cancels the character defined for deleting to end of the line. ═══ eof ═══ Resets the eof sequence to ^Z. ═══ erase ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to cause an erase character to be sent. ═══ escape ═══ Cancels the character defined as the escape character. ═══ ewr ═══ Cancels the character defined for deleting a character to the left. ═══ ewl ═══ Cancels the character defined for deleting a word to the left. ═══ flushoutput ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to send a Telnet ao (abort output) sequence to the remote host, if Telnet is in localchars mode. ═══ forw1, forw2 ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to forward partial lines to the remote system. ═══ inbinary ═══ Specifies that data being received is no longer binary. ═══ insrt ═══ Cancels the character defined for entering insert mode. ═══ interrupt ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to send a interrupt character. ═══ kill ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to erase a line. ═══ lnext ═══ Cancels the character defined as the terminal's next character. ═══ localchars ═══ Ends the local recognition of certain control characters. ═══ mcbol ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the beginning of the line. ═══ mceol ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the end of the line. ═══ mcl ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the left one character. ═══ mcr ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the right one character. ═══ mcwl ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the left one word. ═══ mcwr ═══ Cancels the character defined for moving the cursor to the right one word. ═══ netdata ═══ Specifies that printing of hexadecimal representation of network data (debugging) will take place. ═══ options ═══ Specifies that Telneto will no longer show options processing (debugging). ═══ outbinary ═══ Specifies that data is no longer sent in binary. ═══ over ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined for entering character replace mode. ═══ prettydump ═══ Specifies that Telneto will not print readable output for "netdata" (debugging). ═══ quit ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to set a break character. ═══ reprint ═══ Cancels the character defined as the terminal's reprint character. ═══ rlogin ═══ Cancels the character defined rlogin escape character. ═══ skiprc ═══ Specifies that Telneto should read the TELNET.RC file. ═══ start ═══ Cancels the character defined as the terminal's start character if the Telnet toggle-flow-control option has been enabled. ═══ stop ═══ Cancels the character defined as the terminal's stop character if the Telnet toggle-flow-control option has been enabled. ═══ susp ═══ Cancels the key sequence defined to send a Telnet susp (suspend process) sequence to the remote host if Telneto is in localchars mode, or LINEMODE is enabled, and the suspend character is typed. ═══ tracefile ═══ Specifies that the output caused by netdata, termdata, or option tracing is written to standard output. ═══ worderase ═══ Cancels the character defined as the terminal's word erase character. ═══ ? ═══ Displays help information for the unset subcommand. ═══ ? Subcommand ═══ The ? subcommand displays help information for the Telneto command shell. Using the ? subcommand is the same as issuing the help subcommand. ──?──┬────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ 78. telnetpm Command ═══ The telnetpm command logs you on to a remote host emulating one of the following terminal types:  ANSI  VT220  VT100  NVT  HFT TelnetPM provides the same function as Telnet, but in a Presentation Manager window. Telnet is faster than TelnetPM, but TelnetPM is easier to use. If you do not specify a host, TelnetPM opens a window prompting you to specify one by either name, address, or alias, and, optionally, the port. There is no TelnetPM command shell. The functions of the Telnet shell can be performed using the menu bar of the TelnetPM Presentation Manager window. ──telnetpm──┬──────────────┬──┬──────────────┬───────────────── └─ ─d filename─┘ └─ ─l filename─┘ ┌─ -c TCPCODEP─┐ ┌─ -k 1────────┐ ──┼──────────────┼──┬────────────────┬──┼──────────────┼──────── └─ ─c codepage─┘ └─ ─f configfile─┘ └─ ─k keyboard─┘ ──┬─────────────┬──┬───────────┬──┬──────────────────┬────────── └─ ─h height─┘ └─ ─w width─┘ └─ ─o printer_port─┘ ┌─;─────────────────┐  │ ───┬─────────────────┬┴──┬──────────────┬──┬──────────┬───────── └─ ─e environment─┘ └─ ─t termtype─┘ └─ ─p port─┘ ──┬──────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────── └─hostname─┘ ═══ -d filename ═══ Sets debugging on and specifies the fully-qualified file name to be used during debugging. This parameter is useful when diagnosing problems. ═══ -l filename ═══ Sets logging on and specifies the fully-qualified file name to be used during logging. When logging is on and you specify a logfile, a log is kept of the Telnet session. ═══ -f configfile ═══ Specifies the name of a configuration file in the TCPIP\ETC subdirectory to use for establishing initial toggle values and customized keyboard mapping. Specify the configfile with the file name only; do not specify the path or extension. You can create or change the configfile by using the setterm command. ═══ -c codepage ═══ Specifies the ASCII codepage used by the remote host. The default is TCPCODEP, which uses the DEC Multinational codepage. Other possible pages are TCP8859 for ISO 8859 codepage, or NONE for PC codepage 850. ═══ -k keyboard ═══ Specifies emulation of a VT220 national keyboard. Valid values are: 1 North American (the default) 2 British 3 Flemish 4 French Canadian 5 Danish 6 Finnish 7 German 8 Dutch 9 Italian 10 Swiss (French) 11 Swiss (German) 12 Swedish 13 Norwegian 14 French/Belgian 15 Spanish ═══ -h height ═══ Specifies the number of rows displayed on the host screen. For VGA or BGA screens, the valid display combinations by height and width are: 25x80 43x80 50x80 TelnetPM attempts to negotiate the specified width and height with the host. If those parameters are not accepted by the host, Telnet will use the default screen size which is 24x80 for VT100 and VT220 and 25x80 for ANSI and NVT. ═══ -w width ═══ Specifies the number of columns displayed on the host screen. The valid display combinations by height and width are: 25x80 43x80 50x80 TelnetPM attempts to negotiate the specified width and height with the host. If those parameters are not accepted by the host, Telnet will use the default screen size which is 24x80 for VT100 and VT220 and 25x80 for ANSI and NVT. ═══ -o printer_port ═══ Specifies a supported local printer port name. The supported printer port names are PRN, LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. PRN is the default printer port name. ═══ -e environment ═══ Specifies a list of environment variables and values to be exported to the host. Specify the environment string using the following format: name=value;name=value;name=value ... Do not put any spaces between the entries. ═══ -t termtype ═══ Specifies a terminal type to emulate in communicating with the remote host. The following terminal types are supported:  VT220  VT100  ANSI  NVT If you do not specify a terminal type, Telnet will try to negotiate the terminal type with the remote host. The negotiation order is as previously shown. ═══ -p port ═══ Specifies a port number (the address of an application) or a name. If a port is not specified, the default Telnet port is used. Port names are mapped to port numbers by the services file. ═══ hostname ═══ Specifies the name, alias, or internet address of a remote host. ═══ 79. tftp Command ═══ The tftp command is a file transfer protocol that transfers one file at a time and does not provide user authentication. ──tftp──┬────────────────┬──────────────────────────────── └─host──┬──────┬─┘ └─port─┘ Subcommands ═══ host ═══ The host to which you are connecting. The tftp command immediately tries to establish a connection to this host. ═══ port ═══ The destination port to which you are connecting. If port is not specified, you are connected by default to the well-known TFTP port as specified in the services file. ═══ TFTP Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the TFTP command shell. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┬───────────────┐ │ascii │binary │connect │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │get │mode │put │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │quit │rexmt │status │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │timeout │trace │verbose │ ├───────────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┤ │? │ │ │ └───────────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ ascii Subcommand ═══ The ascii subcommand sets the file transfer type to ASCII. You can issue the ascii subcommand with the abbreviation a. ──ascii─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ binary Subcommand ═══ The binary subcommand sets the file transfer type to binary. The binary file transfer type is useful for image transfers, such as executable files. You can issue the binary subcommand with the abbreviation b. ──binary────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ connect Subcommand ═══ The connect subcommand establishes a connection to a specified remote host. You can issue the connect subcommand with the abbreviation c. ──connect──┬────────────────┬───────────────────────────── └─host──┬──────┬─┘ └─port─┘ ═══ host ═══ The remote host to which you want to connect. ═══ port. ═══ The destination port to which you are connecting. If port is not specified, you are connected by default to the well-known TFTP port as specified in the services file. ═══ get Subcommand ═══ The get subcommand transfers a file from a remote host to your workstation. You can issue the get subcommand with the abbreviation g. ──get──┬─────────────────────────────┬──────────────────── └─remote_file──┬────────────┬─┘ └─local_file─┘ ═══ remote_file ═══ The name of the file, on the remote host, that is transferred to your workstation. ═══ local_file ═══ The name of the file created on your workstation in which to store a copy of remote_file. ═══ mode Subcommand ═══ The mode subcommand sets the file transfer mode. You can issue the mode subcommand with the abbreviation m. ──mode──┬────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────── ├─ascii──┤ └─binary─┘ The setting that you specify will remain in effect until you either change it or quit TFTP. If you specify mode without a parameter, TFTP will display a message indicating the current transfer type. ═══ ascii ═══ Specifies the file transfer mode as ASCII. This is the default file transfer mode and is used to transfer files that contain text characters. Specifying the ascii parameter with the mode subcommand is the same as issuing the ascii subcommand. Note: The term netascii is synonymous with ascii. ═══ binary ═══ Sets the file transfer mode as binary (image). Specifying the binary parameter with the mode subcommand is the same as issuing the binary subcommand. Note: The terms image and octet are synonymous binary. ═══ put Subcommand ═══ The put subcommand transfers a file from your workstation to a remote host. You can issue the put subcommand with the abbreviation p. ──put──┬─────────────────────────────┬──────────────────── └─local_file──┬─────────────┬─┘ └─remote_file─┘ ═══ local_file ═══ The name of the file on your workstation that is transferred to the remote host. ═══ remote_file ═══ The name of the local_file when the file is stored on the remote host. ═══ quit Subcommand ═══ The quit subcommand ends the TFTP session and exits the TFTP command shell. You can issue the quit subcommand with the abbreviation q. ──quit──────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ rexmt Subcommand ═══ The rexmt subcommand sets the packet retransmission timeout. You can issue the rexmt subcommand with the abbreviation r. ──rexmt──┬───┬──────────────────────────────────────────────── └─n─┘ ═══ n ═══ The maximum number of seconds that TFTP tries to retransmit one packet. If you do not specify this value, TFTP will prompt you for it. ═══ status Subcommand ═══ The status subcommand displays the current status of the TFTP connection. You can issue the status subcommand with the abbreviation s. ──status────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ timeout Subcommand ═══ The timeout subcommand specifies the total retransmission time. You can issue the timeout subcommand with the abbreviation ti. ──timeout──┬───┬────────────────────────────────────────────── └─n─┘ ═══ n ═══ Specifies the maximum number of seconds that TFTP tries to retransmit the file. If you do not specify this value, TFTP will prompt you for it. ═══ trace Subcommand ═══ The trace subcommand toggles the flag that determines whether transmitted packets are traced. The initial setting is off. You can issue the trace subcommand with the abbreviation tr. ──trace─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ verbose Subcommand ═══ The verbose subcommand toggles the flag that determines whether information about the file transfer should be displayed. The initial setting is off. You can issue the verbose subcommand with the abbreviation v. ──verbose────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ ? Subcommand ═══ The ? subcommand displays help information for the TFTP command shell. ──?──┬────────────┬─────────────────────────────────────── └─subcommand─┘ ═══ subcommand ═══ The subcommand for which you are requesting help. You must enter the subcommand in lowercase. ═══ 80. tftpd Command ═══ The tftpd command starts the trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) server on your local host. ──tftpd──┬──────┬───────────────────────────────────────── └─path─┘ ═══ path ═══ The path for which you are granting access to the TFTP client. The path is used as a prefix for all file names specified by the put and get subcommands of TFTP. ═══ 81. tn3270 Command ═══ The tn3270 command is a Telnet client that is used to log on to a programmable workstation running a Telnet server that supports 3270 data streams. ──tn3270──┬─────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────┬─────── └─ ─b─┘ └─ ─ext─┘ └─ ─nb─┘ └─ ─h─┘ └─ ─o─┘ ┌─ ─p 23──────────┐ ──┬───────────────┬──┼─────────────────┼──┬──────┬──hostname─── └─ ─tx filename─┘ └─ ─p port_number─┘ └─ ─bc─┘ Displaying tn3270 Help ─tn3270─ ─?─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -? ═══ Displays the help information for tn3270. ═══ -b ═══ Displays brackets and backslash characters as they appear on a keyboard. ═══ -ext ═══ Enables extended data stream support. ═══ -nb ═══ Suppresses the bell. ═══ -h ═══ Uses boxes for characters in hidden fields. ═══ -o ═══ Uses old style keyboard (for example, Shift + F1 = PF13). ═══ hostname ═══ Specifies the host to which you are connecting. ═══ -tx filename ═══ Reads the specified translation table. If the file name you specified does not contain the full path, TN3270 searches the TCPIP\ETC directory for the file. If you do not specify -tx, TN3270 uses the translation file 3278XLT.TBL in the TCPIP\ETC directory. If this file does not exist in the TCPIP\ETC directory, TN3270 uses the default US translate table provided with the application. ═══ -p port_number ═══ Specifies the port number to be used. The default port is 23. Port 1023 is recommended if you are using servers that send ASCII prior to switching to transparent mode. ═══ -bc ═══ Specifies a block cursor. ═══ -t ═══ Generates a TN3270.LOG file containing debug terminal negotiation information. ═══ -d ═══ Generates a TN3270.LOG file containing debug information about all data send. ═══ -t -d ═══ Generates a TN3270.LOG file containing information for both terminal negotiation and all data sent. ═══ 82. tn3270 Keyboard Mapping ═══ The default keyboard definitions are: WORKSTATION KEY FUNCTION Newline Enter Escape Clear PgUp PF7 PgDn PF8 Shift-Tab BackTab Shift-F1 through Shift-F12 PF13-PF24 Shift-PgUp PF7 Shift-PgDn PF8 Control-End Erase EOF Control-Left Backward Word Control-Right Forward Word Control-Delete Delete Word Control-'e' End Control-'p' Up Control-'a' Home Control-'d' Delete Control-'f' Right Control-'c' Clear Control-'b' Left Control-'n' Down Control-']' Menu Alt-'1' PA1 Alt-'2' PA2 Alt-'3' PA3 Alt-'R' Reset Alt-'m' Menu ═══ 83. tn5250 Command ═══ The tn5250 command is a Telnet client that is used to log on to a programmable workstation running a Telnet server that supports 5250 data streams. ──tn5250──┬─────┬──┬──────┬──┬─────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬────── └─ ─b─┘ └─ ─bc─┘ └─ ─d─┘ └─ host─┘ └─ ─nb─┘ ┌─ ─p 23──────────┐ ──┬───────┬──┼─────────────────┼──┬──────────┬─┬───────────────┬ └─ ─ncb─┘ └─ ─p port_number─┘ └─ ─t text─┘ └─ -tx filename─┘ ──┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─wide─┘ Displaying tn5250 help ──tn5250── ─?────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: On screens with many extended attributes, the screen is painted without extended attributes before the extended attributes can be painted. ═══ -b ═══ Changes the output translation table for code points X'AD' and X'BD' to display them as square brackets. On a 3179 terminal with the text feature, the square brackets are at code points X'BA' and X'BB'. However, many programs display the brackets using X'AD' and X'BD', because that is the EBCDIC definition. ═══ -bc ═══ Specifies a block cursor. ═══ -d ═══ Generates a TN5250.LOG file containing debug information for terminal negotiation and all data sent to and received from the server. ═══ host ═══ Specifies the host to which you are connecting. TN5250 immediately tries to establish a connection to the remote host. If you do not specify a host, TN5250 displays a window that prompts you to enter the host. ═══ -nb ═══ Suppresses the bell. ═══ -ncb ═══ Specfies a nonblinking cursor. Note: Even if you specify -ncb, the cursor will still blink on screens where there is a blinking field. ═══ -p port_number ═══ Specifies the port number to be used. The default port is 23. Port 1023 is recommended if you are using servers that send ASCII prior to switching to transparent mode. ═══ -t text ═══ Specifies text to be displayed in the title bar and task list. When -t text is not used, TN5250 displays the specified host in the title bar and task list. When -t is used, the text specified precedes the host. For example, if you issue the following tn5250 command: tn5250 host1 -t sometext then sometext: host1 is displayed in the title bar and task list. No spaces are allowed in the text. ═══ -tx filename ═══ Reads the specified translation table. If the file name you specified does not contain the full path, TN5250 searchs the TCPIP\ETC directory for the file. If you do not specify -tx, TN5250 uses the translation file 5250XLT.TBL in the TCPIP\ETC directory. If this file does not exist in the TCPIP\ETC directory, TN5250 uses the default US translate table provided with the application. ═══ -wide ═══ The 5250 architecture provides for a terminal having two screen sizes: the default and the alternate. TN5250 defines the default screen size to be 24x80 and the alternate to be 27x132. The alternate screen size is enabled by the -wide start up parameter. Most AS/400 programs can use the 24x80 screen size. The larger screen size is used to display spool files and some documents. ═══ -? ═══ Displays help information. ═══ 84. tr2snif Command ═══ The tr2snif command converts the IPTRACE.DMP file to a format that can be viewed on a network monitor trace workstation. This file will not contain any time information. Start tr2snif from the same directory where the IPTRACE.DMP file resides. ──tr2snif──┬─e─┬────────────────────────────────────────────── └─t─┘ ═══ e ═══ Specifies Ethernet output. ═══ t ═══ Specifies Token-Ring output. ═══ 85. umount Command ═══ The umount command is an NFS command that is used to unmount previously mounted NFS drives. ──umount──drive_letter──────────────────────────────────── Displaying umount Help ──umount── -?───────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ drive_letter ═══ Specifies the letter of the drive to be detached from the local file system. If you specify (*) as drive_letter value, all NFS mounted drives are detached from the file system. The results are the same as when you issue the nfsclean command. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 86. unix2os2 Command ═══ The unix2os2 command converts ASCII files from UNIX format to OS/2 format. This command converts UNIX line feeds (LF) to OS/2 carriage return line feed pairs (CR, LF). No other conversions are performed. ──unix2os2──outfile─────────────────────────────── Note: The os22unix command is implemented as a filter. Therefore, you must include the < redirection symbol to sepcify the name of the input file and the > redirection symbol to specify the name of the output file. If the redirection symbols are not included, the filter expects its input to come from the keyboard (the default input device) and will send its output to the display (the default output device). ═══ infile ═══ The file you want to convert. ═══ outfile ═══ The file in which you receive the translated text. ═══ 87. xev Command ═══ The xev command allows you to display X Windows System events. The xev command is useful for keystrokes and mouse events. ──xev──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬─────────────────┬──┬─────────────┬────────────────────────── └─ ─geometry geom─┘ └─ ─bw pixels─┘ ──┬──────────────────────┬──┬───────────────┬──┬─────┬────────── │ ┌─notuseful──┐ │ └─ ─id windowid─┘ └─ ─s─┘ └─ ─bs──┼─whenmapped─┼─┘ └─always─────┘ ──┬───────────────┬──┬──────┬────────────────────────────────── └─ ─name string─┘ └─ ─rv─┘ Note: The xev operands can be entered in any order. Displaying xev Help ──xev── -?────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ -geometry geom ═══ Specifies the window size, window location, or both. ═══ -bw pixels ═══ Specifies the border width for the window in pixels. ═══ -bs notuseful, -bs whenmapped, -bs always ═══ Specifies the type of backing store to give the window. The default is notuseful. ═══ -id windowid ═══ Specifies that the window ID should be monitored, rather than creating a new window. ═══ -s ═══ Specifies that save-under should be enabled on the window. ═══ -name string ═══ Specifies the name to assign to the created window. ═══ -rv ═══ Specifies the window is displayed in reverse video. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 88. xfd Command ═══ The xfd command creates a window in which the characters of a font are displayed. ──xfd──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────── └─ display───┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬─────────────────────┬──┬────────┬──┬──────┬──┬──────┬─────── └─ ─geometry geometry─┘ └─ ─bw n─┘ └─ ─rv─┘ └─ ─fw─┘ ┌─ -fg black─┐ ┌─ -bg white─┐ ──┼────────────┼──┼────────────┼──┬────────────┬──────────────── └─ ─fg color─┘ └─ ─bg color─┘ └─ ─bd color─┘ ──┬───────────────┬──┬────────────┬──┬───────────────┬────────── └─ ─bf fontname─┘ └─ ─tl title─┘ └─ ─in iconname─┘ ──┬─────────────────┬──┬───────────┬──┬────────┬──────────────── └─ ─icon filename─┘ └─ ─verbose─┘ └─ ─gray─┘ ──┬─────────────────┬── ─fn fontname─────────────────────────── └─ ─start charnum─┘ Displaying xfd Help ──xfd── -?──────────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The xfd operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ -geometry geometry ═══ Specifies an initial window location and size. ═══ -bw n ═══ Specifies the window border width in pixels. ═══ -rv ═══ Switches the foreground and background colors. ═══ -fw ═══ Overrides a previous choice to display a window in reverse video. The foreground and background colors are not switched. ═══ -fg color ═══ Specifies foreground color. The default is black. ═══ -bg color ═══ Specifies the background color. The default is white. ═══ -bd color ═══ Specifies the border color on color displays. ═══ -bf fontname ═══ Specifies the font for messages at the bottom of the window. ═══ -tl title ═══ Specifies the window title. If the title has blanks or special characters, enclose the title within double quotation marks (" "). ═══ -in iconname ═══ Specifies the title to display below the icon. ═══ -icon filename ═══ Specifies that the bit map in the named file is used as the icon. ═══ -verbose ═══ Specifies that extra font information be displayed. ═══ -gray ═══ Specifies that the foreground and background colors are displayed on a gray background. ═══ -start charnum ═══ Specifies the number of the character that is the first character displayed. ═══ -fn fontname ═══ Specifies the file name where the font exists. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ 89. xhost Command ═══ The xhost is used to dynamically add and delete hosts to the list of hosts that are authorized to make connections to the X Window System server. ──xhost──┬───────────────────┬──────────────────────────────── ├──┬─────┬─hostname─┤ │ └─ + ─┘ │ ├─ ─ ──hostname─────┤ ├─ + ───────────────┤ └─ ─ ───────────────┘ Note: The xhost operands can be entered in any order. ═══ + hostname ═══ Adds the specified host name to the list of hosts that are allowed to connect to the X Window System server. ═══ - hostname ═══ Removes the specified host name from the list of hosts that are allowed to connect to the X Window System server. Existing connections are not broken, but new connection attempts are denied. ═══ + ═══ Grants access to all hosts, even if they are not on the list of allowed hosts. Access control is turned off. ═══ - ═══ Restricts access to only those hosts on the list of allowed hosts. Access control is turned on. ═══ 90. xinit command ═══ The xinit command starts PMX and initializes the keyboard. The xinit command accepts any PMX parameters. ┌─ -lang en_US─────────┐ ──xinit──┼──────────────────────┼────────────────────────────── └─ ─lang language_code─┘ ┌─ -unix AIX3.2─────────────────┐ ──┼───────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────── ├─ ─unix user_defined_UNIX_type─┤ └─ ─unix AIX3.1─────────────────┘ ──┬──────────────────────┬──┬─────────────────────┬───────────── └─ ─clickclienttoraise─┘ └─ ─clickframetoraise─┘ ┌─ -co TCPIP\X11\RGB.TXT─┐ ──┼────────────────────────┼──┬─────────────────┬─────────────── └─ ─co filename──────────┘ └─ ─explicitfocus─┘ ┌─ -fc cursor───┐ ┌─ -fn fixed────┐ ──┼───────────────┼──┼───────────────┼────────────────────────── └─ ─fc fontname─┘ └─ ─fn fontname─┘ ┌─ -fp TCPIP\X11\MISC,TCPIP\X11\75DPI,TCPIP\X11\SPEEDO─┐ ──┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼────── │ ┌─,────────┐ │ │  │ │ └─ -fp ───pathname─┴───────────────────────────────────┘ ──┬─────────────────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬────────────────────── └─ ─implicitfocus─┘ └─ ─k n─┘ └─ ─lc─┘ ──┬─────────────────────┬──┬─────────────┬────────────────────── └─ ─logpath directory─┘ └─ ─nocascade─┘ ┌─ ─colorcursor─┐ ──┬───────────────┬──┬────────────┬──┼───────────────┼────────── └─ ─nocopyright─┘ └─ ─pmcursor─┘ └─ ─bwcursor────┘ ──┬──────────────────────┬──┬───────────────────┬─────────────── └─ ─reversecolorcursor─┘ └─ ─reversebwcursor─┘ ┌─r───┐ ──┬───────────────┬──┼─────┼──┬───────────────┬──┬─────┬──────── └─ ─pseudocolor─┘ └─ ─r─┘ └─ ─staticcolor─┘ └─ ─I─┘ ──┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────── └ ─iconify┘ Displaying xinit Help ──xinit──┬─?───┬────────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─h─┘ Note: The xinit operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -lang language code ═══ Specifies the keyboard mapping to use. If the LANG environment variable is set, this option overrides it. The following table list language codes that you can use: ┌────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐ │ LANGUAGE │ LANG=VALUE │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Belgian │ nl_BE │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Belgian French │ fr_BE │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Canadian French │ fr_CA │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Danish │ da_DK │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Dutch │ nl_NL │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Finnish │ fi_FI │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ French │ fr_FR │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ German │ de_DE │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Greek │ el_GR │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Icelandic │ is_IS │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Italian │ it_IT │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese │ ja_JP │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese English │ en_JP │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Latin Amer. Spanish │ es_LA │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Norwegian │ no_NO │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Portuguese │ pt_PT │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Spanish │ es_ES │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Swedish │ sv_SV │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Swiss French │ fr_CH │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Swiss German │ de_CH │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Turkish │ tr_TR │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ United Kingdom │ en_GB │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ United States │ en_US │ └────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┘ The default is en_US Note: The language code is not case-sensitive. ═══ -unix type ═══ Specifies the version of keyboard mapping files that are used. The default is AIX3.2. Instructions for installing keyboard mapping files from other Unix vendors can be found inside the XINIT.CMD file itself. ═══ -clickclienttoraise ═══ Tells the server to raise windows to the top when clicks are done in the application (client) area, which is the usual Presentation Manager behavior. (Clicks in the PM frame also can raise the window.) This option turns off any previous -clickframetoraise option on the pmx command line. This option is the default. ═══ -clickframetoraise ═══ Tells the server to raise windows to the top only when clicks are done on the PM frame. Clicking on the application (client) area will not raise the window. This option turns off any previous -clickclienttoraise option on the pmx command line. ═══ -co filename ═══ Sets the color database file name. The default is TCPIP\X11\RGB.TXT. ═══ -explicitfocus ═══ Tells the server to transfer focus from one client window to another only by clicking in the window. This is the normal behavior for Presentation Manager windows and is the default behavior for the server. This option turns off any previous -implicitfocus option on the pmx command line. ═══ -fc fontname ═══ Sets the cursor font. The default is cursor. ═══ -fn fontname ═══ Sets default font. The default is fixed. ═══ -fp pathname ═══ Sets the default font path. The default is TCPIP\X11\MISC,TCPIP\X11\75DPI,TCPIP\X11\SPEEDO. ═══ -implicitfocus ═══ Tells the server to transfer focus from one client window to another simply by moving the pointer into the client area of the window. It is not necessary to click on a client window to transfer focus to it (provided some PMX client window already has focus). This is not the normal behavior for Presentation Manager windows. This option turns off any previous -explicitfocus option on the pmx command line. ═══ -k n ═══ Sets the keyboard type, where n comes from the following table. Typical USA keyboards have 101 keys; European languages usually have 102 keys. PMX handles three types of Japanese keyboards. ┌────────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────┐ │ KEYBOARD TYPE │ -K FLAG VALUE │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ 101 key │ 101 │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ 102 key │ 102 │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-A01 (106 keys) │ 5576-A01 or 5576A01 or 106A │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-001 (124 keys) │ 5576-001 or 5576001 or 124 │ ├────────────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────────┤ │ Japanese 5576-002 (106 keys) │ 5576-002 or 5576002 or 106 │ └────────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────┘ ═══ -lc ═══ Doubles the dimensions of any cursor, unless it will become too large to be a Presentation Manager cursor. ═══ -logpath directory ═══ Specifies where to put the PMX.LOG log file. If -logpath is not specified, the directory for PMX.LOG is specified by the ETC environment variable. If PMX files are stored on a shared read-only disk, this allows the log file to be placed elsewhere. ═══ -nocascade ═══ Windows that are not initially positioned by user specifications normally are cascaded down the screen. The -nocascade parameter says to not cascade if the application provided an initial location. ═══ -nocopyright ═══ Does not display initial copyright window when starting. ═══ -pmcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use the PM arrow as the cursor, not an X Window System cursor. ═══ -colorcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System colored cursor. This is the default unless the PM display device driver does not support colored cursors. ═══ -bwcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System cursor, but with only black and white instead of colors. This is the default if the PM display device driver does not support colored cursors. ═══ -reversecolorcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System colored cursor. The foreground and background colors will be reversed from the normal colors. For example, the normal X Window System cursor will be black on the outside, and white in the middle. ═══ -reversebwcursor ═══ Indicates that PMX should use an X Window System cursor, but only with black and white instead of colors. Black and white will be reversed from the normal colors. For example, the normal X Window System cursor will be black on the outside and white in the middle. ═══ -pseudocolor ═══ Tells PMX to provide a PseudoColor visual (modifiable color maps) for applications to select. You can specify the -pseudocolor parameter with the abbreviation -pseudo. ═══ r ═══ Turns on automatic repeating of keys on the keyboard. This is the default. ═══ -r ═══ Turns off automatic repeating of keys on the keyboard. ═══ -staticcolor ═══ Tells PMX to provide a StaticColor visual (nonmodifiable color map) for applications to select. You can specify the -staticcolor parameter using the abbreviation -static. ═══ -I ═══ Ignores all remaining arguments. ═══ -iconify ═══ Specifies that the X Window System server window will automatically reduce to a window-list entry. The X Window System server will also be shown as an icon in the minimized window folder or on the desktop. ═══ ? ═══ This option displays XINIT help information. ═══ -h ═══ This option displays XINIT help information. ═══ 91. xlsfonts Command ═══ The xlsfonts command allows you to list information about fonts used on an X Window System server. ──xlsfonts──┬─────┬──┬─────┬─────────────────────────────────── └─ ─1─┘ └─ ─C─┘ ──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬───────────────────┬──┬─────┬──┬─────────────┬──┬─────┬────── └─ ─l──┬──────────┬─┘ └─ ─m─┘ └─ ─n columns─┘ └─ ─o─┘ └─l──┬───┬─┘ └─l─┘ ┌─ -w 79────┐ ── ─u──┼───────────┼──┬──────────────┬───────────────────────── └─ ─w width─┘ └─ ─fn pattern─┘ Note: The xlsfonts operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -1 ═══ Indicates that listings should use a single column. ═══ -C ═══ Indicates that listings should use multiple columns. This produces the same output as -n 0. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed and the period is not needed. ═══ -l ═══ Indicates that medium, long, and very long listings should be generated for each font. For example, -l generates medium listing, -ll generates long listings, and -lll generates very long listings. Note: Using the -l parameter can tie up the PMX server for an indefinite amount of time. ═══ -m ═══ Indicates that long listings should also print the minimum and maximum bounds of each font. ═══ -n columns ═══ Specifies the number of columns to use in displaying the output. By default, it will attempt to fit as many columns of font names as possible into the number of characters you specify with -w width. ═══ -o ═══ Specifies that XLSFONTS should do an OpenFont (and QueryFont if appropriate) rather than a ListFonts. This is useful if ListFonts or ListFontsWithInfo fails to list a known font (as is the case with some scaled font systems). ═══ -u ═══ Specifies that the output should be left unsorted. ═══ -w width ═══ Specifies the width, in characters, that should be used to determine the number of columns to print. The default is 79. ═══ -fn pattern ═══ Indicates that only fonts matching the pattern you specify are listed. ═══ 92. xmodmap Command ═══ The xmodmap command displays or changes the X Window System keyboard modifier map and keysym table on a specified display and host. It is intended to run from your STARTUP.CMD file. Use XMODMAP to set up the keyboard according to your needs. With no parameters, XMODMAP displays the current map. A keysym table maps physical keys (keycodes) to logical keys (keysyms). Because X Window System applications normally use keysyms, the physical location of keys does not have to be defined to the application. Keysyms are intended to represent the graphics printed on top of the keys. You can change the physical key map to any logical key. The modifier map designates the keysyms used for Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and similar modifier keys. Specify the keysyms used for modifier functions. An explanation of command line parameters is displayed when an unrecognized parameter is passed to XMODMAP. ──xmodmap──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬───────────┬──┬───────────┬──┬─────────┬──┬─────┬──────────── └─ ─grammar─┘ └─ ─verbose─┘ └─ ─quiet─┘ └─ ─n─┘ ┌──────────────────┐  │ ───┬────────────────┬┴──┬──────┬──┬──────┬──┬──────┬──────────── └─ ─e expression─┘ └─ ─pk─┘ └─ ─pm─┘ └─ ─pp─┘ ──┬───────┬──┬─filename─┬────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─pke─┘ └─ ─ ──────┘ Displaying xmodmap Help ──xmodmap── ─help───────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The xmodmap operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ -help ═══ Prints an explanation of the command line parameters on the standard error output. ═══ -grammar ═══ Prints a help message describing the expression grammar on the standard error output. This includes -e expressions. ═══ -verbose ═══ Prints logging information while XMODMAP parses its input. ═══ -quiet ═══ Turns off verbose logging. This is the default. ═══ -n ═══ Indicates that XMODMAP will not change the mappings. It displays what would happen if the mappings were changed. ═══ -e expression ═══ Indicates an expression to be issued. Any number of expressions can be specified from the command line. The expressions specify changes to the key map table and the modifier map. ═══ -pk ═══ Sends the current key map table to the standard output file. ═══ -pm ═══ Sends the current modifier map to the standard output file. ═══ -pp ═══ Sends the current pointer (mouse button) map to the standard output file. ═══ -pke ═══ Sends the current key map table, in the form of XMODMAP expressions, to the standard output file. ═══ filename ═══ Specifies a file containing XMODMAP expressions to be issued. ═══ - ═══ Specifies that XMODMAP use the standard input as the input file. ═══ 93. xprop Command ═══ ──xprop──┬────────────────────────────────────────┬────────── └─ ─display──┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬─┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬──────────────────────────┬──┬─────────────┬──┬─────────┬───── └─ ─f name format─┬───────┬┘ └─ ─font font─┘ └─ ─frame─┘ └dformat┘ ──┬───────────┬──┬───────────┬──┬────────┬──┬─────────┬───────── └─ ─fs file─┘ └─ ─grammar─┘ └─ ─help─┘ └─ ─id id─┘ ──┬─────────┬──┬─────────────┬──┬──────────┬──────────────────── └─ ─len n─┘ └─ ─name name─┘ └─ ─notype─┘ ──┬────────────────────────┬──┬────────┬──┬───────┬──────────── └─ ─remove property_name─┘ └─ ─root─┘ └─ ─spy─┘ Note: The xprop operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Allows you to specify the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: xprop -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either or both the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ -f name format dformat ═══ Indicates that the format for name is specified in the format operand, and that the dformat is specified in the dformat operand. If you do not enter a value for dformat, the value "=$0+\n" is used. ═══ -font font ═══ Specifies that the properties of the named font are displayed. ═══ -frame ═══ Specifies that when windows are selected by hand (that is, you do not specify the -name, -root, or -id operands), the xprop command will look at the window manager frame (if there is one) instead of the X client window. PM frames on X Windows cannot be selected with this option. ═══ -fs file ═══ Specifies that the file named in the file operand should be used as a source for more formats for properties. ═══ -grammar ═══ Prints out the detailed grammar (syntax) listing of all options for this command. ═══ -help ═══ Prints a summary of the operand meanings. ═══ -id id ═══ Specifies a window ID. You can use this operand to select a window rather than using the pointer to select a window. ═══ -len n ═══ Specifies that no more than n bytes of any property should be read or displayed. ═══ -name name ═══ Specifies the name of the target window. You can use this instead of using the pointer to select a window. ═══ -notype ═══ Specifies that xprop should not display the property type. ═══ -remove property_name ═══ Specifies that the named property is to be removed from the target window. ═══ -root ═══ Specifies that the target window is the X root window. ═══ -spy ═══ Specifies that xprop should continually monitor window properties for property changes. ═══ 94. xscope Command ═══ The xscope command allows you to display the protocol activity between an X Window System client and an X Window System server. ┌─ -hcurrent_host─┐ ┌─ -i1─┐ ┌─ -o0─┐ ┌─ -d0─┐ ──xscope──┼─────────────────┼──┼──────┼──┼──────┼──┼──────┼──── └─ ─hserver_host──┘ └─ ─in─┘ └─ ─on─┘ └─ ─dn─┘ ┌─ -v1─┐ ──┼──────┼──┬─────┬──────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─vn─┘ └─ ─q─┘ Displaying xscope Help ──xscope── -?───────────────────────────────────────────── Note: The xscope operands can be entered in any order. Subcommands ═══ -hserver_host ═══ Specifies the host name or internet address where the X Window System server is running. If you specify server_host, do not put a space between -h and server_host. If you do not specify the -h parameter, the server_host defaults to the host from which you entered the xscope command. ═══ -in ═══ Specifies the input port. ═══ -on ═══ Specifies the output port. ═══ -dn ═══ Sets the server display number. ═══ -vn ═══ Controls the amount of detail in the output. When you print the contents of the X11 packet fields, some fields are of obvious value, and others are of lesser value. To control the amount of output, XSCOPE generates output according to the level of verbosity selected by the user. Levels 2 and 3 can produce a large amount of data. The following list shows the control levels: 0 Prints protocol headers only (time, request or reply, and names). 1 Prints useful content fields. 2 Prints almost everything. 3 Format and prints every bit and byte. If you specify a verbosity level greater than 3, XSCOPE also prints the hexadecimal buffer. ═══ -q ═══ This option provides relatively quiet output. It is equivalent to -v0. ═══ -? ═══ Displays a list of the parameters. ═══ XSCOPE Subcommands ═══ The following subcommands can be used in the xscope command shell. ┌───────────────┬───────────────┐ │quit │verbose │ └───────────────┴───────────────┘ ═══ quit Subcommand ═══ The quit subcommand ends the XSCOPE session and exits the XSCOPE command shell. You can issue the quit subcommand with the abbreviation qui. ──quit────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ verbose Subcommand ═══ Once you have started XSCOPE, you can use the verbose subcommand to control the amount of detail in the output generated. The verbose subcommand works like the -v parameter on the xscope command. ──verbose─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 95. xset Command ═══ The xset command dynamically changes the behavior of any X Window System server. ──xset──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬───────┬──┬────────────────────────────────┬──┬──────┬─────── ├─b on──┤ └─b──┬─────────────────────────┬─┘ ├─ ─bc─┤ ├─b off─┤ └─vol──┬────────────────┬─┘ └─bc───┘ └─ ─b───┘ └─pitch──┬─────┬─┘ └─dur─┘ ──┬───────┬──┬────────────┬──┬──────────────────────────┬─────── ├─c on──┤ └─c──┬─────┬─┘ ├─┬──────────────────────┬─┤ ├─c off─┤ └─vol─┘ │ │ ┌─,────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │  │ │ │ └─ ─c───┘ │ └──┬─ fp──┬────path─┴──┘ │ │ ├─ fp=─┤ │ │ ├─ ─fp─┤ │ │ ├─ fp─ ┤ │ │ ├─ +fp─┤ │ │ └─ fp+─┘ │ ├─fp default───────────────┤ └─fp rehash────────────────┘ ──┬───────────────────────┬──┬─────────────────────┬──────────── ├─┬────┬──led──┬──────┬─┤ ├─m──┬──────────────┬─┤ │ └ ─ ─┘ └─1-32─┘ │ │ └─acc──┬─────┬─┘ │ ├─led on────────────────┤ │ └─thr─┘ │ └─led off───────────────┘ └─m default───────────┘ ──┬──────────────────────────┬──┬───┬──┬───────┬──────────────── └─p pixel_value color_name─┘ └─q─┘ ├─r on──┤ ├─r off─┤ ├─r─────┤ └─ ─r───┘ ──┬───────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────── ├─s──┬────────────────────┬─┤ │ └─length──┬────────┬─┘ │ │ └─period─┘ │ ├─s default─────────────────┤ ├─s off─────────────────────┤ ├─s blank───────────────────┤ ├─s noblank─────────────────┤ ├─s expose──────────────────┤ └─s noexpose────────────────┘ Note: The xset operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ b on ═══ Enables the bell. ═══ b off ═══ Disables the bell. ═══ -b ═══ Disables the bell. ═══ b vol, pitch, dur ═══ Allows you to set the pitch, loudness, and duration of the bell. The volume is expressed in terms of a percentage of its maximum. The pitch is expressed in hertz, and the duration is expressed in milliseconds. (PMX supports only pitch and duration. Any volume greater than 0 is treated as if it were 100.) ═══ -bc, bc ═══ Controls bug compatibility mode in the server. bc with a preceding hyphen (-) disables bug compatibility. bc enables bug compatibility. The need for this option is determined by the following circumstances. Some clients, previous to release 4, pass illegal values in some protocol requests and servers, previous to release 4 also, do not correctly generate errors in these cases. Such clients, when run with a release 4 server, will terminate abnormally or otherwise fail to operate correctly. Bug compatibility mode explicitly reintroduces certain bugs into the X Window System server, so that many such clients can still be run. Note: This mode should be used with caution. The server must support the MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD protocol extension in order for this option to work. New application development should be done with this mode disabled. ═══ c on ═══ Enables the key click. ═══ c off ═══ Disables the key click. ═══ -c ═══ Disables the key click. ═══ c vol ═══ Enables the key click, if vol is greater than 0 or is not specified; disables the key click if vol is 0. The vol is the volume expressed as a percentage of maximum. (The PMX server does not support key click.) ═══ fp path, fp= path ═══ Sets the font path used by the server. path must be a directory or a list of directories separated by a comma. The directories are interpreted by the server, not the client, and are server-dependent. Directories that do not contain font databases created by MKFONTDIR will be ignored by the server. ═══ -fp path, fp- path ═══ Causes the server to remove directories from the current font path. To remove a font path directory list, include a comma to separate the paths. -fp removes the directories from the beginning of the font path. fp- removes the directories from the end of the font path. ═══ +fp path, fp+ path ═══ Causes the server to add directories from the current font path. To add a font path directory list, include a comma to separate the paths. +fp adds the directories to the beginning of the font path. fp+ adds the directories to the end of the font path. ═══ fp default ═══ Restores the default font path. ═══ fp rehash ═══ Causes the server to reread the font databases. ═══ led 1-32 ═══ Turns on a specified light-emitting diode (LED) on the keyboard. If no number is given, all LEDs are turned on. The association between a number and a specific LED is server-dependent. (The PMX server does not support control of LEDs.) ═══ -led 1-32 ═══ Turns off a specified LED on the keyboard. If no number is given, all LEDs are turned off. ═══ led on ═══ Allows you to turn on all LEDs on the keyboard. ═══ led off ═══ Allows you to turn off all LEDs on the keyboard. ═══ m acc thr ═══ Allows you to set mouse acceleration and threshold. The pointer goes acc times as fast when it travels more than thr pixels in a short time. This way, the mouse can be used for precise alignment of the pointer when it is moved slowly, but the pointer travels quickly across the screen when the mouse moves quickly. (The PMX server does not support mouse acceleration and threshold.) ═══ m default ═══ Resets the mouse acceleration and threshold to the default values. ═══ p pixel_value color_name ═══ Sets the pixel colors. The pixel_value is a color map entry number in decimal. color_name is a color specification. You can change the root background colors on some servers by changing the entries for BlackPixel and WhitePixel. Although these are often 0 and 1, they need not be. Also, a server can allocate those colors privately, in which case an error is generated. The map entry must not be a read-only color, or an error results. (The PMX server currently supports only StaticColor or StaticGray visuals, so the color table has only read-only entries.) ═══ q ═══ Queries the server for the current settings of the values that XSET allows you to change. ═══ r on ═══ Enables the automatic keyboard repeat function. ═══ r off ═══ Disables the automatic keyboard repeat function. ═══ r ═══ Enables the automatic keyboard repeat function. ═══ -r ═══ Disables the automatic keyboard repeat function. ═══ s length period ═══ Controls the length, in seconds, that the server must be inactive before screen saving is activated. The period parameter (in seconds) determines how often the background is changed during screen saver activity. If no length or period is specified, the screen saver default function is restored. (The PMX server does not support screen saver activity.) ═══ s default ═══ Restores the default screen-saver activity. ═══ s off ═══ Disables the screen-saver function. ═══ s blank ═══ Specifies that, when screen-saver activity occurs, the screen is cleared. ═══ s noblank ═══ Allows you to specify that when screen saver activity occurs, a background pattern is used rather than clearing the screen. ═══ s expose ═══ Specifies that window exposures sent by the server to clients regenerate the screen contents when the server stops the screen-saver activity. ═══ s noexpose ═══ Disables the screen-saver function unless the server can regenerate the screens without causing exposure events to be sent to client windows. ═══ 96. xstdcmap Command ═══ The xstdcmap command selectively defines standard colormap properties. ──xstdcmap──┬──────┬──┬───────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────────┬─────── └ ─all─┘ └ ─best─┘ └ ─blue─┘ └ ─default─┘ ──┬──────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────── └─ ─delete map─┘ ──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬──┬────────┬────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └ ─green─┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ ──┬───────┬──┬───────┬──┬──────┬──┬──────────┬───────────────── └ ─grey─┘ └ ─help─┘ └ ─red─┘ └ ─verbose─┘ Note: The xstdcmap operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -all ═══ Specifies that you want to define all six standard colormap properties on each screen of the display. Because not all screens will support visuals where all six standard colormap properties have meaning, the xstdcmap utility determines the allocations and visuals for the colormap properties of a screen. The properties you define will replace any already defined. ═══ -best ═══ Specifies that the RGB_BEST_MAP should be defined. ═══ -blue ═══ Specifies that the RGB_BLUE_MAP should be defined. ═══ -default ═══ Specifies that the RGB_DEFAULT_MAP should be defined. ═══ -delete map ═══ Specifies a colormap to delete. The map can be one of:  best  blue  default  red  green  grey ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Allows you to specify the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: xstdcmap -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either or both the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed. ═══ -green ═══ Specifies that the RGB_GREEN_MAP should be defined. ═══ -grey ═══ Specifies that the RGB_GRAY_MAP should be defined. ═══ -help ═══ Displays brief descriptions of the command operands. ═══ -red ═══ Specifies that the RGB_RED_MAP should be defined. ═══ -verbose ═══ Specifies that the xstdcmap utility will print logging information as it parses the input and defines colormap properties. ═══ 97. xwininfo Command ═══ The xwininfo command displays information about windows. The information displayed depends on the options you chose. You can select the target window with the mouse (by clicking any mouse button in the desired window), by specifying its window ID on the command line with the -id parameter, -name parameter and -root parameter. ──xwininfo──┬────────┬──┬─────────┬──┬─────────────┬─────────── └─ ─help─┘ └─ ─id id─┘ └─ ─name name─┘ ──┬────────┬──┬───────┬──┬────────┬──┬─────────┬──┬────────┬──── └─ ─root─┘ └─ ─int─┘ └─ ─tree─┘ └─ ─stats─┘ └─ ─bits─┘ ──┬──────────┬──┬────────┬──┬──────┬──┬─────────┬─────────────── └─ ─events─┘ └─ ─size─┘ └─ ─wm─┘ └─ ─shape─┘ ──┬─────────┬──┬──────────┬──┬───────────┬──┬───────┬─────────── └─ ─frame─┘ └─ ─metric─┘ └─ ─english─┘ └─ ─all─┘ ──┬────────────┬──┬─────────┬──┬────────┬─────────────────────── └─ ─children─┘ └─ ─shape─┘ └─ ─tree─┘ ──┬──────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────── └─ ─display ─┬──────┬─:server─┬─────────┬──┘ └─host─┘ └─.screen─┘ Note: The xwininfo operands can be entered in any order. ═══ -help ═══ Prints a summary of the xwininfo command. ═══ -id id ═══ Specifies the ID of a target window. This is useful in debugging X applications where the target window is not mapped to the screen or where the use of the mouse might be impossible or interfere with the application. ═══ -name name ═══ Specifies the name of the target window. ═══ -root ═══ Specifies that the X Window System server root window is the target window. This is useful in situations where the root window is obscured. ═══ -int ═══ Specifies that all X Window System server window IDs are displayed as integer values. The default is to display them as hexadecimal values. ═══ -tree ═══ Displays the root, parent, and child window IDs and the name of the selected window. ═══ -stats ═══ Displays location and appearance attributes of the selected window. This includes the window's location, width, height, depth, border width, class, and map state. This is the default if no parameters are specified. ═══ -bits ═══ Displays information about the window and bit gravities, the window's backing store hint and backing_planes value, its backing pixel, and whether or not the window has save-under set. ═══ -events ═══ Displays the selected window's event masks. Both the event mask of events wanted by some client and the event mask of events not to propagate are displayed. ═══ -size ═══ Displays the selected window's sizing hints. Displayed information includes details about the sizing of your windows. ═══ -wm ═══ Displays the selected window's window manager hints. This includes whether the application accepts input, what the window's icon window number and name are, where the window's icon should go, and what the window's initial state should be. ═══ -shape ═══ Prints shape extents. (PMX does not support the shape extension.) ═══ -frame ═══ Causes window manager frames to be recognized when manually selecting windows. (PMX does not support this option.) ═══ -metric ═══ Causes all individual height, width, and x and y positions to be displayed in millimeters as well as number of pixels, based on what the server determines the resolution to be. Geometry specifications in +x+y form are not changed. ═══ -english ═══ Causes all individual height, width, and x and y positions to be displayed in inches (feet, yards, and miles if necessary) as well as number of pixels. -metric and -english can both be enabled at the same time. ═══ -all ═══ Provides all available information. ═══ -children ═══ Displays the selected window's root, parent, and children windows' IDs and names. This parameter is similar to the -tree parameter. ═══ -shape ═══ Causes the selected window's window and border shape extents to be displayed. ═══ -tree ═══ Specifies a display similar to the -children option but displays all children recursively. ═══ -display host:server.screen ═══ Specifies the display, server, and screen to connect to. host is the host name of the physical display, server specifies the server number, and screen specifies the screen number. For example: -display your_node:0.1 This specifies screen 1 of server 0 on the display named by your_node. Either, or both, the host name and screen can be omitted. If the host name is omitted, the local display is assumed. If the screen is omitted, screen 0 is assumed, and the period is not needed.